

CVE-2022-30007: A file upload vulnerability exists in the background · Issue #1 · breezety/gxcms15

GXCMS V1.5 has a file upload vulnerability in the background. The vulnerability is the template management page. You can edit any template content and then rename to PHP suffix file, after calling PHP file can control the server.


1、Vulnerability code Audit
The vulnerability appears in the template management page in the background:

/views/admin/tpl_add. HTML file is received by filename, content is received by content, and then the data is sent to? S =Admin/Tpl/Update

Track? S = Admin/Tpl/Update page source/core/Lib/Action/Admin/TplAction class. PHP file, see the Update function to receive the filename and the content variables, only after receiving the two variables for judging whether it is empty, Data is written to the file directly using the write_file function without dangerous character detection for file names and contents, which means there is any file upload vulnerability.

2、The exploit
Log in to the background of the target website by admin default password admin888 or password blasting or even phishing, click Template Management to enter the /template/default/Home directory, select any file and click Edit:

Enter the EDIT page, enter the PHP test code in the file content form, start the BurpSuite tool to capture packages, and click Submit:

After BurpSuite catches the package, change the filename suffix to PHP and click “Put the package” :

My_hot_info.php file was created successfully, and the PHP test code was successfully executed.

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