

CVE-2022-37189: GitHub - DDMAL/MEI2Volpiano: An MEI to Volpiano converter for CWMN or Neume MEI files.

DDMAL MEI2Volpiano 0.8.2 is vulnerable to XML External Entity (XXE), leading to a Denial of Service. This occurs due to the usage of the unsafe ‘xml.etree’ library to parse untrusted XML input.



MEI2Volpiano is a Python library developed for the purpose of converting Neume and CWMN MEI files to Volpiano strings.


MEI2Volpiano is released under the MIT license.


  • pip install mei2volpiano

Development Setup

MEI2Volpiano requires at least Python 3.6.

  • Clone project
  • Enter the project checkout
  • Execute pip install . or poetry install (this will install development dependencies)


As long as you’re in the python environment, you can execute mei2volpiano or the shorthand mei2vol while in your python virtual environment




-W or -N

Used to specify the type of MEI to converted (Neume or CWN)


Used to specify whether the user is inputtng MEI files or a text file containing MEI paths


Signifies that the converted Volpiano string(s) should be outputted to ‘.txt’ files

Standard Usage (Neume notation)

To output the MEI file’s volpiano string to the terminal, run

mei2vol -N mei filename1.mei

Multiple files can be passed in at once

mei2vol -N mei filename1.mei filename2.mei


To convert MEI files written in Common Western Music Notation (CWMN), run

mei2vol -W mei filename1.mei

All of the CWMN files processed by this library (so far) come from this collection. Thus, we followed the conventions of those files. Namely:

  • Every neume is encoded as a quarter note
  • Stemless notes
  • Syllables are preceded by their notes
  • All notes must have syllables after them
    • If there are notes that are not followed by a syllable, the script will display a message containing these notes. They will not be recorded in the volpiano
    • This can only happen at the end of an MEI file

The resulting volpiano string will have multiple notes seperated by two hyphens. This seperation is dictated by the syllables, representented by: <syl>. The notes themselves are located with the <note> tag and represented by the pname attribute.

Mutiple MEI File Runs

To make it easier to pass in multiple MEI files, the -t flag can be specified as txt:

mei2vol -W txt filename1.txt or mei2vol -N txt filename1.txt filename2.txt …

where the “.txt” file being passed in must hold the name/relative path of the required MEI files on distinct lines.

Note: If passing inputs through this method, the formats of the MEI files within the text file must be of the same type (either neume for -N or western for -W)


The --export tag can be used on any valid input to the program. Simply tack it on to the end of your command like so

mei2vol -N mei filename1.mei --export

and the program will output each mei file’s volpiano to a similarly named file as its input.


To run the current test suite, execute pytest.

CVE: Latest News

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