CVE-2021-26634: KISA 인터넷 보호나라&KrCERT
SQL injection and file upload attacks are possible due to insufficient validation of input values in some parameters and variables of files compromising Maxboard, which may lead to arbitrary code execution or privilege escalation. Attackers can use these vulnerabilities to perform attacks such as stealing server management rights using a web shell.
KISA 인터넷 보호나라&KrCERT
[나주본원] (58324) 전라남도 나주시 진흥길 9 한국인터넷진흥원 대표번호 : 1433-25(수신자 요금 부담)
[서울청사] (05717) 서울시 송파구 중대로 135 (가락동) IT벤처타워 [해킹ㆍ스팸개인정보침해 신고 118]
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