Microsoft PostScript and PCL6 Class Printer Driver Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
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**Determine if the Print Spooler service is running** Run the following in Windows PowerShell: Get-Service -Name Spooler If the Print Spooler is running or if the service is not set to disabled, select one of the following options to either disable the Print Spooler service, or to Disable inbound remote printing through Group Policy: **Option 1 - Disable the Print Spooler service** If disabling the Print Spooler service is appropriate for your enterprise, use the following PowerShell commands: Stop-Service -Name Spooler -Force Set-Service -Name Spooler -StartupType Disabled **Impact of workaround** Disabling the Print Spooler service disables the ability to print both locally and remotely. **Option 2 - Disable inbound remote printing through Group Policy** You can also configure the settings via Group Policy as follows: Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Printers Disable the “Allow Print Spooler to accept client connections:” policy to block remote attacks....