

CVE-2022-34643: [Bug Report] Wrong exception priority during access memory · Issue #971 · riscv-software-src/riscv-isa-sim

RISCV ISA Sim commit ac466a21df442c59962589ba296c702631e041b5 implements the incorrect exception priotrity when accessing memory.


Let’s take the load instruction as an example:

#define load_func(type, prefix, xlate_flags) \

inline type##_t prefix##_##type(reg_t addr, bool require_alignment = false) { \

if (unlikely(addr & (sizeof(type##_t)-1))) { \

if (require_alignment) load_reserved_address_misaligned(addr); \

else return misaligned_load(addr, sizeof(type##_t), xlate_flags); \

} \

reg_t vpn = addr >> PGSHIFT; \

size_t size = sizeof(type##_t); \

if ((xlate_flags) == 0 && likely(tlb_load_tag[vpn % TLB_ENTRIES] == vpn)) { \

if (proc) READ_MEM(addr, size); \

return from_target(*(target_endian<type##_t>*)(tlb_data[vpn % TLB_ENTRIES].host_offset + addr)); \

} \

if ((xlate_flags) == 0 && unlikely(tlb_load_tag[vpn % TLB_ENTRIES] == (vpn | TLB_CHECK_TRIGGERS))) { \

type##_t data = from_target(*(target_endian<type##_t>*)(tlb_data[vpn % TLB_ENTRIES].host_offset + addr)); \

if (!matched_trigger) { \

matched_trigger = trigger_exception(OPERATION_LOAD, addr, data); \

if (matched_trigger) \

throw *matched_trigger; \

} \

if (proc) READ_MEM(addr, size); \

return data; \

} \

target_endian<type##_t> res; \

load_slow_path(addr, sizeof(type##_t), (uint8_t*)&res, (xlate_flags)); \

if (proc) READ_MEM(addr, size); \

return from_target(res); \


At line 101, load will first check if it is aligned, then at line 122 it will try to access the address in the load_slow_path function.

void mmu_t::load_slow_path(reg_t addr, reg_t len, uint8_t* bytes, uint32_t xlate_flags)


reg_t paddr = translate(addr, len, LOAD, xlate_flags);

if (auto host_addr = sim->addr_to_mem(paddr)) {

memcpy(bytes, host_addr, len);

if (tracer.interested_in_range(paddr, paddr + PGSIZE, LOAD))

tracer.trace(paddr, len, LOAD);

else if (xlate_flags == 0)

refill_tlb(addr, paddr, host_addr, LOAD);

} else if (!mmio_load(paddr, len, bytes)) {

throw trap_load_access_fault((proc) ? proc->state.v : false, addr, 0, 0);


if (!matched_trigger) {

reg_t data = reg_from_bytes(len, bytes);

matched_trigger = trigger_exception(OPERATION_LOAD, addr, data);

if (matched_trigger)

throw *matched_trigger;



In load_slow_path, it will first check if it is legal address at line 153, and the watch point will be checked at the end of the function.

Briefly, the order of priority is as follows: trap_load_address_misaligned > trap_load_access_fault > trap_breakpoint

However, in the specification, trap_breakpoint has a higher priority than the others:

We also co-simulate with rocket to check this point, rocket threw a breakpoint exception, while spike threw an error misaligned exception.
The test point is at 0x800001c0 where loading a misaligned illegal address 0x100004001:

3 0x00800001bc (0x7a261073)
core   0: 0x00000000800001bc (0x7a261073) csrw    tdata2, a2
3 0x0080000004 (0x34302f73) x30 0x0000000100004001
core   0: 0x00000000800001c0 (0x00062603) lw      a2, 0(a2)
core   0: exception trap_load_address_misaligned, epc 0x00000000800001c0
core   0:           tval 0x0000000100004001
core   0: 0x0000000080000004 (0x34302f73) csrr    t5, mtval
3 0x0080000008 (0x34202f73) x30 0x0000000000000003
core   0: 0x0000000080000008 (0x34202f73) csrr    t5, mcause
[error] WDATA SIM 0000000000000004, DUT 0000000000000003
[error] check board clear 30 error
[CJ] integer register Judge Failed

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