

CVE-2023-49288: SQUID-2023:9 Denial of Service in HTTP Collapsed Forwarding

Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. Affected versions of squid are subject to a a Use-After-Free bug which can lead to a Denial of Service attack via collapsed forwarding. All versions of Squid from 3.5 up to and including 5.9 configured with “collapsed_forwarding on” are vulnerable. Configurations with “collapsed_forwarding off” or without a “collapsed_forwarding” directive are not vulnerable. This bug is fixed by Squid version 6.0.1. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade should remove all collapsed_forwarding lines from their squid.conf.


Due to a Use-After-Free bug Squid is vulnerable to a Denial of
Service attack against collapsed forwarding


This problem allows a remote client to perform Denial of
Service attack on demand when Squid is configured with collapsed

CVSS Score of 8.6

Updated Packages:****This bug is fixed by Squid version 6.0.1.

If you are using a prepackaged version of Squid then please refer
to the package vendor for availability information on updated

Determining if your version is vulnerable:

Run the following command to identify how (and whether)
your Squid has been configured with collapsed forwarding:

`squid -k parse 2>&1 | grep collapsed_forwarding`

All Squid-3.5 up to and including 5.9 configured with
“collapsed_forwarding on” are vulnerable.

All Squid-3.5 up to and including 5.9 configured with
“collapsed_forwarding off” are not vulnerable.

All Squid-3.5 up to and including 5.9 configured without any
“collapsed_forwarding” directive are not vulnerable.


Remove all collapsed_forwarding lines from your squid.conf.

Contact details for the Squid project:

For installation / upgrade support on binary packaged versions
of Squid: Your first point of contact should be your binary
package vendor.

If you install and build Squid from the original Squid sources
then the [email protected] mailing list is your
primary support point. For subscription details see

For reporting of non-security bugs in the latest STABLE release
the squid bugzilla database should be used

For reporting of security sensitive bugs send an email to the
[email protected] mailing list. It’s a closed
list (though anyone can post) and security related bug reports
are treated in confidence until the impact has been established.


This vulnerability was discovered by Joshua Rogers of Opera

Fixed by The Measurement Factory.

Revision history:

2022-09-03 18:41:32 UTC Patches Released
2023-10-12 11:53:02 UTC Initial Report


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Ubuntu Security Notice 6728-3 - USN-6728-1 fixed vulnerabilities in Squid. The fix for CVE-2023-5824 caused Squid to crash in certain environments on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and was disabled in USN-6728-2. The problematic fix for CVE-2023-5824 has now been corrected and reinstated in this update.

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6728-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 6728-2 - USN-6728-1 fixed vulnerabilities in Squid. The fix for CVE-2023-5824 caused Squid to crash in certain environments on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The problematic fix has been reverted pending further investigation. Joshua Rogers discovered that Squid incorrectly handled collapsed forwarding. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause Squid to crash, resulting in a denial of service. This issue only affected Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Joshua Rogers discovered that Squid incorrectly handled certain structural elements. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause Squid to crash, resulting in a denial of service. Joshua Rogers discovered that Squid incorrectly handled Cache Manager error responses. A remote trusted client can possibly use this issue to cause Squid to crash, resulting in a denial of service. Joshua Rogers discovered that Squid incorrectly handled the HTTP Chunked decoder. A remote attacker could possibly use this ...

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6728-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6728-1 - Joshua Rogers discovered that Squid incorrectly handled collapsed forwarding. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause Squid to crash, resulting in a denial of service. This issue only affected Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Joshua Rogers discovered that Squid incorrectly handled certain structural elements. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause Squid to crash, resulting in a denial of service.

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