CVE-2022-3806: Bluetooth HCI Error Handling Double Free
Inconsistent handling of error cases in bluetooth hci may lead to a double free condition of a network buffer.
Inconsistent handling of error cases in bluetooth hci may lead
to a double free condition of a network buffer.
In a bluetooth driver, when sending a packet via bt_send fails in the
lower driver’s send function (such as bt_spi_send), then the
convention is that the ownership remains with the caller of bt_send.
This means that in the error case, the caller of bt_send will clean up
all references to the netbuf it provided to bt_send(net_buf *buf).
This convention is observed by most driver functions. For example:
h4_send handles sending packets by indicating success in all cases
initially, and then cleaning up the reference itself.
Indicating success in h4_send
Un-referencing the buffer in the processing loop process_tx:
This is, however, not always adhered to. For example:
bt_spi_send netbuf is unreferenced in the error case
bt_spi_transceive fails:(however, other error cases do not unreference the netbuf. For example,
the case of a too long buffer:} while ((rxmsg[STATUS_HEADER_READY] != READY_NOW ||
bt_esp32_send unreferences the netbuf in the timeout error case:
(for the other error case "unknown type", however, the function
indicates a zero result, in which case the convention is not broken. So
only the presumably much less frequently observed timeout case breaks
the convention)
Bug trigger source code references:
bt_spi_send unref despite error case
hci_tx_thread->process_events->send_cmd buffer un-referencing for
bt_send error:
For completeness, the different hci implementations should be re-checked
for exhibiting this issue depending on error code paths.
A possible attack scenario here could be an attacker who compromised a
radio chip and then proceeds to attack the bluetooth host stack via the
HCI interface. Such an attacker could also be in a position to induce
SPI errors on the sending side such as spamming traffic or indicating
errors to the sender (e.g., in spi flow control). An attacker which is
able to induce errors in different SPI bluetooth sending functions can
cause a double free scenario on a network buffer. I have not checked the
exploitability of this specific situation, but apart from a simple crash
(DoS), double frees are typically a strong primitive for an attacker to
achieve more with this, such as RCE.
Tobias Scharnowski
Simon Woerner
Felix Buchmann
For more information
If you have any questions or comments about this advisory:
- Open an issue in zephyr
- Email us at Zephyr-vulnerabilities
embargo: 2023-01-17