

CVE-2020-6075: TALOS-2020-0998 || Cisco Talos Intelligence Group

An exploitable out-of-bounds write vulnerability exists in the store_data_buffer function of the igcore19d.dll library of Accusoft ImageGear 19.5.0. A specially crafted PNG file can cause an out-of-bounds write, resulting in a remote code execution. An attacker needs to provide a malformed file to the victim to trigger the vulnerability.



An exploitable out-of-bounds write vulnerability exists in the store_data_buffer function of the igcore19d.dll library of Accusoft ImageGear 19.5.0. A specially crafted PNG file can cause an out-of-bounds write, resulting in a remote code execution. An attacker needs to provide a malformed file to the victim to trigger the vulnerability.

Tested Versions

Accusoft ImageGear 19.5.0

Product URLs

CVSSv3 Score

9.8 - CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H


CWE-194: Unexpected Sign Extension


The ImageGear library is a document imaging developer toolkit providing all kinds of functionality related to image conversion, creation, editing, annotation, etc. It supports more than 100 formats, including many image formats, DICOM, PDF, Microsoft Office and others.

There is a vulnerability in the store_data_buffer function due to an invalid cast conversion. A specially crafted PNG file can lead to an out-of-bounds, write which can result in remote code execution.

Trying to load a malformed PNG file via IG_load_file function, we end up in the following situation:

eax=00004504 ebx=0f30e5f8 ecx=000000c0 edx=0000c0c0 esi=0f306fc9 edi=7fffc503
eip=670c0cb2 esp=009dd524 ebp=009dd530 iopl=0         nv up ei ng nz na pe nc
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010286
670c0cb2 66891443        mov     word ptr [ebx+eax*2],dx  ds:002b:0f317000=????

0:000> kb
 # ChildEBP RetAddr  Args to Child              
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
00 0019d520 64c01114 0ead65c0 0e3a45f8 ffff8a07 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe5922
01 0019d540 64bff981 0ead65c0 0e5fe5c0 0e3a45f8 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe5d84
02 0019f1cc 64c00c74 0019f71c 1000001b 099acfe8 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe45f1
03 0019f200 64bfe32c 0019f71c 1000001b 099acfe8 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe58e4
04 0019f694 64af07c9 0019f71c 099acfe8 00000001 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe2f9c
05 0019f6cc 64b2fb97 00000000 099acfe8 0019f71c igCore19d!IG_image_savelist_get+0xb29
06 0019f948 64b2f4f9 00000000 09505fa8 00000001 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0x14807
07 0019f968 64ac6007 00000000 09505fa8 00000001 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0x14169
08 0019f988 006059ac 09505fa8 0019fa74 0019fa98 igCore19d!IG_load_file+0x47
09 0019fa88 006061a7 09505fa8 0019fbbc 00000021 simple_exe_141+0x159ac
0a 0019fc54 00606cbe 00000005 094b2f50 09397f40 simple_exe_141+0x161a7
0b 0019fc68 00606b27 d2316a2d 006015e1 006015e1 simple_exe_141+0x16cbe
0c 0019fcc4 006069bd 0019fcd4 00606d38 0019fce4 simple_exe_141+0x16b27
0d 0019fccc 00606d38 0019fce4 75286359 002a8000 simple_exe_141+0x169bd
0e 0019fcd4 75286359 002a8000 75286340 0019fd40 simple_exe_141+0x16d38
0f 0019fce4 779c7b74 002a8000 63abcc02 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19
10 0019fd40 779c7b44 ffffffff 779e8f15 00000000 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f
11 0019fd50 00000000 006015e1 002a8000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b

As we can see, an out-of-bounds write operation occurred.
The pseudo-code of this vulnerable function looks like this:

LINE 1  unsigned int __cdecl store_data_buffer(int src_buffer, int dst_buffer, int size)
LINE 2  {
LINE 3    unsigned int index; // eax
LINE 4    unsigned __int8 *v4; // esi
LINE 5  
LINE 6    index = 0;
LINE 7    if ( (unsigned int)(size - 1) >> 1 )
LINE 8    {
LINE 9      _src_buffer = (unsigned __int8 *)(src_buffer + 1);
LINE 10     do
LINE 11     {
LINE 12       *(_WORD *)(dst_buffer + 2 * index++) = __ROL2__(*_src_buffer | (_src_buffer[1] << 8), 8);    [1]
LINE 14       _src_buffer += 2;
LINE 15     }
LINE 16     while ( index < (unsigned int)(size - 1) >> 1 );                                               [2]
LINE 17   }
LINE 18   return index;
LINE 19 }

In this algorithm we can observe a function store_data_buffer, whose objective is to copy the content of src_buffer into dst_buffer, is crashing while filling the buffer dst_buffer in [1].
The copy operation is controlled by a loop [2], with a range from 0 to size-1.
This is happening because the dst_buffer is too small compared to the size argument.

Let’s see how the size of the target buffer and the size argument are computed.

LINE 22 unsigned __int8 __cdecl sub_670C1030(int src_data, int a2, void *buffer_mem, int a4, int size, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9)
LINE 23 {
LINE 24   unsigned __int8 param_7; // al
LINE 25   unsigned int i; // ecx
LINE 26   _BYTE *v11; // esi
LINE 27   _BYTE *v12; // ebx
LINE 28   unsigned int v13; // edx
LINE 29   char v14; // cl
LINE 30   char v15; // cl
LINE 31 
LINE 32   switch ( *(unsigned __int8 *)src_data )
LINE 33   {
LINE 34     case 1u:
LINE 35       sub_670BE9C0(src_data, size, a6);
LINE 36       break;
LINE 37     case 2u:
LINE 38       sub_670BEA10(src_data, a2, size);
LINE 39       break;
LINE 40     case 3u:
LINE 41       sub_670BEA60(src_data, a2, size, (unsigned __int8)a6);
LINE 42       break;
LINE 43     case 4u:
LINE 44       sub_670BEAF0(src_data, a2, size, a6);
LINE 45       break;
LINE 46     default:
LINE 47       break;
LINE 48   }
LINE 49   param_7 = a7;
LINE 50   switch ( *(unsigned __int8 *)(a7 + 9) )
LINE 51   {
LINE 52     case 0u:
LINE 53       if ( *(_BYTE *)(a7 + 8) == 2 )
LINE 54         goto LABEL_13;
LINE 55       param_7 = *(_BYTE *)(a7 + 8) - 16;
LINE 56       if ( *(_BYTE *)(a7 + 8) == 16 )
LINE 57       {
LINE 58         param_7 = sub_670BE850(src_data, buffer_mem, size);
LINE 59       }
LINE 60       else
LINE 61       {
LINE 62         for ( i = 1; i < size; ++i )
LINE 63         {
LINE 64           param_7 = *(_BYTE *)(i + src_data);
LINE 65           *((char *)buffer_mem + i - 1) = param_7;
LINE 66         }
LINE 67       }
LINE 68       break;
LINE 69     case 2u:
LINE 70       param_7 = *(_BYTE *)(a7 + 8);
LINE 71       if ( param_7 == 8 )
LINE 72       {
LINE 73         if ( (unsigned int)size > 1 )
LINE 74         {
LINE 75           v11 = buffer_mem;
LINE 76           v12 = (_BYTE *)(src_data + 2);
LINE 77           v13 = (size - 2) / 3u + 1;
LINE 78           do
LINE 79           {
LINE 80             *v11 = *(v12 - 1);
LINE 81             v11[1] = *v12;
LINE 82             param_7 = v12[1];
LINE 83             v11[2] = param_7;
LINE 84             v11 += 3;
LINE 85             v12 += 3;
LINE 86             --v13;
LINE 87           }
LINE 88           while ( v13 );
LINE 89         }
LINE 90       }
LINE 91       else if ( param_7 == 16 )
LINE 92       {
LINE 93         param_7 = store_data_buffer(src_data, (int)buffer_mem, size);      [3]
LINE 94       }
LINE 95       break;
LINE 140}

The store_data_buffer is called from the function named sub_670C1030 in [3] but we can see that size and buffer_mem are passed as arguments so we need to go back further. This leads us to the function process_raster_png:

LINE141 int __stdcall process_raster_png(table_function *a1, void *arg4, int a3, int a4, int a5, IGDIBOject *a6, int a7, int a8)
LINE142 {
LINE143   int v8; // esi
LINE144   size_t v10; // edi
LINE145   byte *v11; // edi
LINE146   unsigned int size_buffer_mem; // edi
LINE147   byte *buffer_mem; // ebx
LINE148   int v14; // esi
LINE149   int v15; // eax
LINE150   unsigned int v16; // edi
LINE151   byte *v17; // eax
LINE152   byte *v18; // edx
LINE153   unsigned int i; // ecx
LINE154   int *v20; // ecx
LINE155   int v21; // eax
LINE156   int v22; // esi
LINE157   size_t v23; // edx
LINE158   int v24; // esi
LINE159   char v25; // cl
LINE160   int v26; // ecx
LINE161   int v27; // esi
LINE162   unsigned __int8 v28; // al
LINE163   unsigned __int8 v29; // bl
LINE164   int v30; // ecx
LINE165   int v31; // eax
LINE166   __int16 v32; // ax
LINE167   char v33; // cl
LINE168   __int16 v34; // ax
LINE169   char v35; // al
LINE170   int v36; // esi
LINE171   int v37; // eax
LINE172   int v38; // edx
LINE173   int v39; // edi
LINE174   int v40; // esi
LINE175   int j; // ecx
LINE176   unsigned __int8 v42; // al
LINE177   char v43; // al
LINE178   bool v44; // zf
LINE179   int v45; // esi
LINE180   int k; // ecx
LINE181   byte v47; // al
LINE182   byte v48; // al
LINE183   int v49; // eax
LINE184   unsigned int l; // esi
LINE185   void *v51; // eax
LINE186   void *v52; // ebx
LINE187   int v53; // ebx
LINE188   byte *v54; // edi
LINE189   int v55; // esi
LINE190   char v56; // cl
LINE191   int v57; // esi
LINE192   __int16 v58; // [esp-4h] [ebp-1C64h]
LINE193   unsigned __int8 v59; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-1C54h]
LINE194   unsigned int v60; // [esp+10h] [ebp-1C50h]
LINE195   __int16 v61; // [esp+14h] [ebp-1C4Ch]
LINE196   png_struct *table_of_size; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-1C44h]
LINE197   unsigned int v63; // [esp+20h] [ebp-1C40h]
LINE198   int v64; // [esp+24h] [ebp-1C3Ch]
LINE199   int a6a; // [esp+28h] [ebp-1C38h]
LINE200   int v66; // [esp+2Ch] [ebp-1C34h]
LINE201   int v67; // [esp+30h] [ebp-1C30h]
LINE202   int v68; // [esp+34h] [ebp-1C2Ch]
LINE203   int v69; // [esp+38h] [ebp-1C28h]
LINE204   size_t size; // [esp+3Ch] [ebp-1C24h]
LINE205   byte *v71; // [esp+40h] [ebp-1C20h]
LINE206   int *v72; // [esp+44h] [ebp-1C1Ch]
LINE207   unsigned int ___size; // [esp+4Ch] [ebp-1C14h]
LINE208   unsigned int v74; // [esp+50h] [ebp-1C10h]
LINE209   byte *a2; // [esp+54h] [ebp-1C0Ch]
LINE210   int v76; // [esp+58h] [ebp-1C08h]
LINE211   byte *v77; // [esp+5Ch] [ebp-1C04h]
LINE212   byte *Src; // [esp+60h] [ebp-1C00h]
LINE213   byte *_buffer_mem; // [esp+64h] [ebp-1BFCh]
LINE214   unsigned int _size; // [esp+68h] [ebp-1BF8h]
LINE215   size_t v81; // [esp+74h] [ebp-1BECh]
LINE216   int v82; // [esp+78h] [ebp-1BE8h]
LINE217   int v83; // [esp+644h] [ebp-161Ch]
LINE218   int v84; // [esp+1C3Ch] [ebp-24h]
LINE219   int v85; // [esp+1C40h] [ebp-20h]
LINE220   int v86; // [esp+1C44h] [ebp-1Ch]
LINE221   int v87; // [esp+1C48h] [ebp-18h]
LINE222   int v88; // [esp+1C4Ch] [ebp-14h]
LINE223   int v89; // [esp+1C50h] [ebp-10h]
LINE224   int v90; // [esp+1C54h] [ebp-Ch]
LINE225   int v91; // [esp+1C58h] [ebp-8h]
LINE227   v84 = 0x200000F;
LINE228   v85 = 0x1000100;
LINE229   v86 = 0x4000F;
LINE230   v87 = 0x10002;
LINE231   v90 = 0x404040F;
LINE232   v91 = 0x1010202;
LINE233   v88 = 0x408080F;
LINE234   v89 = 0x1020204;
LINE235   v76 = 0;
LINE236   v8 = 0;
LINE237   table_of_size = (png_struct *)AF_memm_alloc((int)arg4, 48u, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2934);
LINE238   if ( !table_of_size )
LINE239     return kind_of_print_error((int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2938, -1000, 0, 48, (int)arg4, 0);
LINE240   _size = compute_raster_size(a4);
LINE241   v10 = _size - (_size & 0x3F) + 64;
LINE242   Src = AF_memm_alloc((int)arg4, v10, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2948);
LINE243   if ( !Src )
LINE244   {
LINE245     sub_66FD60E0((int)arg4, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2951);
LINE246     return kind_of_print_error((int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2952, -1000, 0, _size, (int)arg4, 0);
LINE247   }
LINE248   v11 = AF_memm_alloc((int)arg4, v10, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2958);
LINE249   v77 = v11;
LINE250   if ( !v11 )
LINE251   {
LINE252     sub_66FD60E0((int)arg4, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2961);
LINE253     return kind_of_print_error((int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2962, -1000, 0, _size, (int)arg4, 0);
LINE254   }
LINE255   v71 = AF_memm_alloc((int)arg4, _size, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2967);
LINE256   if ( !v71 )
LINE257   {
LINE258     sub_66FD60E0((int)arg4, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2970);
LINE259     return kind_of_print_error((int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2971, -1000, 0, _size, (int)arg4, 0);
LINE260   }
LINE261   if ( _size )
LINE262     memset(v11, 0, _size);
LINE263   size_buffer_mem = lead_to_compute_size_based_width_bits(a6);     [6]
LINE264   _size = size_buffer_mem;                                                                                              
LINE265   buffer_mem = AF_memm_alloc((int)arg4, size_buffer_mem, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2981);       [5]
LINE266   _buffer_mem = buffer_mem;
LINE267   if ( !buffer_mem )
LINE268   {
LINE269     sub_66FD60E0((int)arg4, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 2984);
LINE270     return kind_of_print_error(
LINE271              (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c",
LINE272              2985,
LINE273              -1000,
LINE274              0,
LINE275              size_buffer_mem,
LINE276              (int)arg4,
LINE277              0);
LINE278   }
LINE279   wrapper_memset(&v81, 0, 0x1BC8u);
LINE280   v82 = 2;
LINE281   if ( *(_BYTE *)(a4 + 12) == 1 )
LINE282   {
LINE283     v14 = 4 * ((getSizeY_0(a6) + 7) / 8);
LINE284     if ( v14 > 0xFFFF )
LINE285     {
LINE286       v15 = getSizeY_0(a6);
LINE287       return kind_of_print_error(
LINE288                (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c",
LINE289                3023,
LINE290                -1005,
LINE291                0,
LINE292                v15,
LINE293                0,
LINE294                "Interlaced png image has too big heght. Can't load image.");
LINE295     }
LINE296     if ( size_buffer_mem > 0xFFFF )
LINE297       return kind_of_print_error(
LINE298                (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c",
LINE299                3029,
LINE300                -1005,
LINE301                0,
LINE302                size_buffer_mem,
LINE303                0,
LINE304                "Interlaced png image has too big raster size. Can't load image.");
LINE305     a2 = AF_memm_alloc((int)arg4, 4 * v14, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 3034);
LINE306     if ( !a2 )
LINE307       return kind_of_print_error(
LINE308                (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c",
LINE309                3038,
LINE310                -1000,
LINE311                0,
LINE312                4 * v14,
LINE313                (int)arg4,
LINE314                0);
LINE315     v16 = 0;
LINE316     v63 = (unsigned __int16)v14;
LINE317     if ( (_WORD)v14 )
LINE318     {
LINE319       do
LINE320       {
LINE321         v17 = AF_memm_alloc((int)arg4, ___size, (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c", 3044);
LINE322         *(_DWORD *)&a2[4 * v16] = v17;
LINE323         if ( !v17 )
LINE324           return kind_of_print_error(
LINE325                    (int)"..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\pngread.c",
LINE326                    3048,
LINE327                    -1000,
LINE328                    0,
LINE329                    ___size,
LINE330                    (int)arg4,
LINE331                    0);
LINE332         ++v16;
LINE333       }
LINE334       while ( v16 < (unsigned __int16)v14 );
LINE335       if ( (_WORD)v14 )
LINE336       {
LINE337         v18 = a2;
LINE338         v14 = (unsigned __int16)v14;
LINE339         do
LINE340         {
LINE341           for ( i = 0; i < ___size; *(_BYTE *)(i + *(_DWORD *)v18 - 1) = -1 )
LINE342             ++i;
LINE343           v18 += 4;
LINE344           --v14;
LINE345         }
LINE346         while ( v14 );
LINE347       }
LINE348     }
LINE349     sub_670C0A50(table_of_size, (__int16 *)a4);
LINE350     v20 = &table_of_size->field_A;
LINE351     v21 = 1;
LINE352     v22 = 0;
LINE353     v66 = 1;
LINE354     v72 = &table_of_size->field_A;
LINE355     v69 = 0;
LINE356     do
LINE357     {
LINE358       if ( *(_WORD *)v20 )
LINE359       {
LINE360         if ( _size )
LINE361         {
LINE362           memset(v77, 0, _size);
LINE363           v20 = v72;
LINE364         }
LINE365         v23 = *((__int16 *)v20 - 2);
LINE366         v64 = *((__int16 *)v20 - 1);
LINE367         v67 = *((unsigned __int8 *)&v84 + v22 + 1);
LINE368         v16 = 0;
LINE369         v24 = *(unsigned __int16 *)(a4 + 4);
LINE370         size = *((__int16 *)v20 - 2);                      [8]
LINE371         v74 = 0;
LINE372         v76 = *(unsigned __int16 *)(a4 + 4);
LINE373         if ( v64 > 0 )
LINE374         {
LINE375           v60 = v23 - 1;
LINE376           do
LINE377           {
LINE378             sub_670C0090((int)a1, (size_t)&v81, Src, v23);
LINE379             v25 = v60 / *(__int16 *)v72;
LINE380             if ( !v25 )
LINE381               v25 = 1;
LINE382             LOBYTE(a6a) = v25;
LINE383             v59 = v25;
LINE384             sub_670C1030((int)Src, (int)v77, buffer_mem, 0, size, a6a, a5, a8, *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 16));         [4]
LINE494           }
LINE495           while ( v64 > 0 );
LINE496           v20 = v72;
LINE497         }
LINE498         v21 = v66;
LINE499         v22 = v69;
LINE500       }
LINE501       ++v21;
LINE502       ++v22;
LINE503       v20 = (int *)((char *)v20 + 6);
LINE504       v66 = v21;
LINE505       v69 = v22;
LINE506       v72 = v20;
LINE507     }
LINE508     while ( (__int16)v21 <= 7 );
LINE566   return 0;
LINE567 }

In [4] we can identify our function call with our parameters named here buffer_mem and size respectively. The buffer_mem is allocated in [5] and the size for his allocation is computed in [6] through a call to the function lead_to_compute_size_based_width_bits returning an unsigned value as we can see in the following pseudo code where the indirect call lands to the function compute_size

LINE568 unsigned int __thiscall compute_size(IGDIBOject *this)
LINE569 {
LINE570   return ((this->width * this->colorspace_related * this->depth + 31) >> 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC;      [7]
LINE571 }

We can see the final size for the buffer_mem is computed from a field directly taken to from file, like width and other valued derived from bits and colorspace computation in [7].
Now if take a look back to the size parameter we can observe it’s computed differently, getting its value from v20 at [8]. This is a pointer to signed integers, where size is 32-bits unsigned integer.

When looking further into how this table of integer is filled, we land to function compute_raster_size, which is computing a size using bits and width through a test case of PNG_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE_color_type.

LINE 145 unsigned int __cdecl compute_raster_size(int a1)
LINE 146 {
LINE 147   unsigned int v1; // eax
LINE 148   unsigned int raster_size; // eax
LINE 149 
LINE 150   v1 = 0;
LINE 151   switch ( PNG_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE_color_type )
LINE 152   {
LINE 153     case 0u:
LINE 154     case 3u:
LINE 155       raster_size = ((bits * width) + 7) >> 3) + 1;
LINE 156       break;
LINE 157     case 2u:
LINE 158       raster_size = ((3 * bits * width) >> 3) + 1;
LINE 159       break;
LINE 160     case 4u:
LINE 161       raster_size = (2 * ((bits * width) >> 3)) + 1;
LINE 162       break;
LINE 163     case 6u:
LINE 164       v1 = (4 * bits * width) >> 3;
LINE 165       goto LABEL_6;
LINE 166     default:
LINE 168       raster_size = v1 + 1;
LINE 169       break;
LINE 170   }
LINE 171   return raster_size;
LINE 172 }

The cast conversion to int16 at [8], of the value computed from compute_raster_size, causes a sign extension when transforming the value into a larger data type (from int16 to size_t) at [8]. This in turn increases the loop count via the size variable, allowing an attacker to cause an out-of-bounds write leading to memory corruption, which could result in remote code execution.

Crash Information

0:000> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Exception Analysis                                   *
*                                                                             *


    Key  : AV.Fault
    Value: Write

    Key  : Analysis.CPU.Sec
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
    Value: Create: 8007007e on DESKTOP-PJK7PVH

    Key  : Analysis.DebugData
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.DebugModel
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.Sec
    Value: 4

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 78

    Key  : Analysis.System
    Value: CreateObject

    Key  : Timeline.OS.Boot.DeltaSec
    Value: 91061

    Key  : Timeline.Process.Start.DeltaSec
    Value: 8



ExceptionAddress: 670c0cb2 (igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0x000e5922)
   ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
  ExceptionFlags: 00000000
NumberParameters: 2
   Parameter[0]: 00000001
   Parameter[1]: 0f317000
Attempt to write to address 0f317000


PROCESS_NAME:  simple.exe_141.exe

WRITE_ADDRESS:  0f317000 

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000005 - The instruction at 0x%p referenced memory at 0x%p. The memory could not be %s.




WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
009dd530 670c1114 0f2fe5c0 0f30e5f8 ffff8a07 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe5922
009dd550 670bf981 0f2fe5c0 0ee305c0 0f30e5f8 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe5d84
009df1dc 670c0c74 009df72c 1000001b 0e64afe8 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe45f1
009df210 670be32c 009df72c 1000001b 0e64afe8 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe58e4
009df6a4 66fb07c9 009df72c 0e64afe8 00000001 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0xe2f9c
009df6dc 66fefb97 00000000 0e64afe8 009df72c igCore19d!IG_image_savelist_get+0xb29
009df958 66fef4f9 00000000 09e01fa8 00000001 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0x14807
009df978 66f86007 00000000 09e01fa8 00000001 igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+0x14169
009df998 006059ac 09e01fa8 009dfa84 009dfaa8 igCore19d!IG_load_file+0x47
009dfa98 006061a7 09e01fa8 009dfbcc 00000021 simple_exe_141+0x159ac
009dfc64 00606cbe 00000005 09daef50 09c93f40 simple_exe_141+0x161a7
009dfc78 00606b27 f7329ef4 006015e1 006015e1 simple_exe_141+0x16cbe
009dfcd4 006069bd 009dfce4 00606d38 009dfcf4 simple_exe_141+0x16b27
009dfcdc 00606d38 009dfcf4 75286359 00bc4000 simple_exe_141+0x169bd
009dfce4 75286359 00bc4000 75286340 009dfd50 simple_exe_141+0x16d38
009dfcf4 779c7b74 00bc4000 469eabd0 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x19
009dfd50 779c7b44 ffffffff 779e8f0f 00000000 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart+0x2f
009dfd60 00000000 006015e1 00bc4000 00000000 ntdll!_RtlUserThreadStart+0x1b

STACK_COMMAND:  ~0s ; .cxr ; kb

SYMBOL_NAME:  igCore19d!IG_mpi_page_set+e5922

MODULE_NAME: igCore19d

IMAGE_NAME:  igCore19d.dll

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  INVALID_POINTER_WRITE_AVRF_c0000005_igCore19d.dll!IG_mpi_page_set

OS_VERSION:  10.0.18362.239

BUILDLAB_STR:  19h1_release_svc_prod1


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {39ff52ad-9054-81fd-3e4d-ef5d82e4b2c1}

Followup:     MachineOwner


2020-01-30 - Vendor Disclosure
2020-04-30 - Vendor Patched

2020-05-05 - Public Release

Discovered by Emmanuel Tacheau of Cisco Talos.

CVE: Latest News

CVE-2023-50976: Transactions API Authorization by oleiman · Pull Request #14969 · redpanda-data/redpanda