

GHSA-32q7-gv7f-4cg5: Duplicate Advisory: Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2024-21386: .NET Denial of Service Vulnerability

Duplicate Advisory

This advisory has been withdrawn because it is a duplicate of GHSA-g74q-5xw3-j7q9. This link is maintained to preserve external references.

Original Description

.NET Denial of Service Vulnerability

  1. GitHub Advisory Database
  2. GitHub Reviewed
  3. GHSA-32q7-gv7f-4cg5

Duplicate Advisory: Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2024-21386: .NET Denial of Service Vulnerability

High severity GitHub Reviewed Published Feb 13, 2024 to the GitHub Advisory Database • Updated Feb 13, 2024

Withdrawn This advisory was withdrawn on Feb 13, 2024


nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Runtime.linux-arm (NuGet)

Affected versions

<= 6.0.26

Published by the National Vulnerability Database

Feb 13, 2024

Published to the GitHub Advisory Database

Feb 13, 2024

Last updated

Feb 13, 2024

ghsa: Latest News

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