

GHSA-f678-j579-4xf5: Apache Superset - Elevation of Privilege


An attacker with access to the SQL Lab and the ab_user and ab_user_role tables can elevate his privileges to become administrator.


On a more general level, diverse tables who are supposed to be only readable can be modified using the WITH … AS and RETURNING keywords. Modification of the table key_value can also be done, which could lead to a Remote Code Execution (cf. “V7 - Insecure deserialization leading to remote code execution” report vulnerability).

Proof of Concept

Some tables are supposed to accept only SELECT requests from the SQL tab.

  • Attempt to create a new user injected_admin into the ab_user table: PoC_1

But this protection can be bypassed by using the WITH … AS () syntax with RETURNING value after the INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE query. INSERT query accepted by the database due to the use of WITH … AS ( … RETURNING ) syntax: WITH a AS ( INSERT INTO ab_user (id, first_name, last_name, username, email, password) VALUES (2, ‘injected_admin’, ‘injected_admin’, ‘injected_admin’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘{PASSWORD_HASH}’) RETURNING id ) SELECT * FROM a; PoC_2

  • injected_admin added to the ab_user table: PoC_3

This method can also be used with UPDATE or DELETE request. A user with access to SELECT on the tables ab_user_role can escalate his privilege to become administrator.

  • Locating the ID of the user ‘Auditeur B’, who has no rights and is not an admin. The request is done being ‘Auditeur B’: PoC_4
  • Locating the rows that keep the role of the user ‘Auditeur B’. The row 36 stores the value 3, indicating the role ‘Alpha’ for ‘Auditeur B’: PoC_5
  • Modification of the row 36 with an UPDATE request embedded in a WITH request: PoC_6
  • ‘Auditeur B’ role has been changed to Admin: PoC_7

This technique can also be used to inject or modify values of the table key_value, which can potentially lead to a Remote Code Execution (cf. …).


Orange recommendation

To fix this vulnerability, we recommends reenforcing the SELECT filter to spot INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE keywords even in WITH requests.

Security patch

Upgrade to Superset version 2.1.2.



LEXFO for Orange Innovation

Orange CERT-CC at Orange group


Date reported: July 27, 2023 Date fixed: November 27, 2023



An attacker with access to the SQL Lab and the ab_user and ab_user_role tables can elevate his privileges to become administrator.


On a more general level, diverse tables who are supposed to be only readable can be modified using the WITH … AS and RETURNING keywords.
Modification of the table key_value can also be done, which could lead to a Remote Code Execution (cf. “V7 - Insecure deserialization leading to remote code execution” report vulnerability).

Proof of Concept

Some tables are supposed to accept only SELECT requests from the SQL tab.

  • Attempt to create a new user injected_admin into the ab_user table: PoC_1

But this protection can be bypassed by using the WITH … AS () syntax with RETURNING value after the INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE query.
INSERT query accepted by the database due to the use of WITH … AS ( … RETURNING ) syntax:
WITH a AS ( INSERT INTO ab_user (id, first_name, last_name, username, email, password) VALUES (2, ‘injected_admin’, ‘injected_admin’, ‘injected_admin’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘{PASSWORD_HASH}’) RETURNING id ) SELECT * FROM a;

  • injected_admin added to the ab_user table: PoC_3

This method can also be used with UPDATE or DELETE request. A user with access to SELECT on the tables ab_user_role can escalate his privilege to become administrator.

  • Locating the ID of the user ‘Auditeur B’, who has no rights and is not an admin. The request is done being ‘Auditeur B’: PoC_4
  • Locating the rows that keep the role of the user ‘Auditeur B’. The row 36 stores the value 3, indicating the role ‘Alpha’ for ‘Auditeur B’: PoC_5
  • Modification of the row 36 with an UPDATE request embedded in a WITH request: PoC_6
  • ‘Auditeur B’ role has been changed to Admin: PoC_7

This technique can also be used to inject or modify values of the table key_value, which can potentially lead to a Remote Code Execution (cf. …).

Solution****Orange recommendation

To fix this vulnerability, we recommends reenforcing the SELECT filter to spot INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE keywords even in WITH requests.

Security patch

Upgrade to Superset version 2.1.2.



LEXFO for Orange Innovation

Orange CERT-CC at Orange group


Date reported: July 27, 2023
Date fixed: November 27, 2023


  • GHSA-f678-j579-4xf5

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