

Email Hacking Reigns as Top Cybersecurity Threat, Indusface Study

By Waqas The new study has identified a cybersecurity training gap and an alarming lack of preparedness in countering emerging threats. This is a post from Read the original post: Email Hacking Reigns as Top Cybersecurity Threat, Indusface Study

  • Sector Vulnerabilities: Indusface’s research reveals that the Education sector is the most susceptible to cyber attacks, with a staggering 78% of businesses in this domain having experienced such threats.

  • Email Hacking Dominates: Email hacking emerged as the most common form of cyber attack, affecting 64% of respondents across various industries, necessitating enhanced training and defences against phishing and related tactics.

  • Financial Services Resilience: In contrast, the Financial Services sector demonstrated stronger cyber resilience, with only 26% reporting cyber attacks, potentially due to robust cybersecurity investment and training.

  • Training Deficits: The study highlights a concerning lack of employee training in cyber security across various sectors, with 83% of Education sector businesses neglecting this crucial aspect.

  • Expert Insights: Venky Sundar, Indusface’s Founder and President, underscores the diverse methods cyber attackers employ and emphasizes the importance of proactive employee training, security assessments, and Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) solutions.

A study conducted by Indusface in July 2023 and recently shared with delved deep into the state of cybersecurity, unearthing insights into the sectors most targeted by cyber attacks and shedding light on the prevailing types of cyber assaults faced by enterprises. Here’s what the company found:

The Perilous Terrain: A Sector-Wise Analysis

Indusface embarked on an extensive investigation, surveying 2,200 respondents across 16 diverse industries, to unveil the contours of cyber attacks on businesses. The results showcased an alarming reality – nearly half (49%) of UK businesses had fallen victim to a cyber attack. Such statistics underscored the pressing need for robust cybersecurity strategies in the corporate world.

Education: The Bullseye of Cyber Attacks

Within this backdrop, the Education sector emerged as the most besieged by cyber threats, with a staggering 78% of businesses revealing that they had experienced an attack. This revelation demands attention, particularly when coupled with the fact that a significant 83% of organizations within the Education sector were found to lack proactive employee training in cybersecurity – a vulnerability that cybercriminals can exploit.

Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation: Second in Line

Coming in second place, the Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation sector encountered cyber attacks at a rate of 68%. Disturbingly, over 30% of businesses in this sector were not actively training their personnel in cybersecurity protocols. This lack of preparation exposes these businesses to a range of attacks, including the ever-pervasive threat of email hacking.

The Email Hacking Conundrum

Indeed, email hacking stood tall as the most prevalent form of cyber attack, affecting a significant 64% of respondents from various business domains. This emphasizes the necessity for bolstered training in email security, encompassing a comprehensive approach to thwart phishing attempts, account takeovers, and credential stuffing.

Navigating the Dangers: Financial Services Bypassed

Contrasting the widespread cyber attacks on various sectors, the Financial Services industry exhibited resilience, reporting a lower incidence rate of 26%. This positive outcome was possibly influenced by the sector’s commitment to cybersecurity investment and training. It is evident that proactive measures play a pivotal role in safeguarding businesses from cyber threats.

Expert Insights: Securing the Future

Venky Sundar, Founder and President of Indusface, elucidated the significance of cybersecurity investment across all sectors. He highlighted that while email hacking remains a prevalent threat, the methods used are diverse, ranging from phishing to sophisticated attacks like SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Sundar emphasized the importance of training employees against phishing attacks, coupled with the implementation of robust security assessments and Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) solutions.

A Call to Action

As cyber threats continue to evolve in sophistication and impact, businesses must heed the findings of this research. Implementing comprehensive cybersecurity strategies, investing in training programs, and staying updated with the latest security solutions are imperatives that transcend industry boundaries.

In conclusion, the Indusface study serves as a clarion call to businesses to fortify their cyber defences. The relentless march of technology necessitates a united front against cybercriminals. With the insights gained from this research, businesses can navigate the complex landscape of cyber threats with resilience and vigilance.


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I am a UK-based cybersecurity journalist with a passion for covering the latest happenings in cyber security and tech world. I am also into gaming, reading and investigative journalism

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