

Advances in Scripting Security and Protection in Windows 10 and PowerShell V5

In the last several releases of Windows, we’ve been working hard to make the platform much more powerful for administrators, developers, and power users alike. PowerShell is an incredibly useful and powerful language for managing Windows domains. Unfortunately, attackers can take advantage of these same properties when performing “post-exploitation” activities (actions that are performed after a system has been compromised).


In the last several releases of Windows, we’ve been working hard to make the platform much more powerful for administrators, developers, and power users alike. PowerShell is an incredibly useful and powerful language for managing Windows domains. Unfortunately, attackers can take advantage of these same properties when performing “post-exploitation” activities (actions that are performed after a system has been compromised).

The PowerShell team, recognizing this behavior, have significantly advanced security focused logging and detection in Windows 10 and PowerShell v5. Some capabilities take advantage of new functionality in Windows 10, others are available on Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012R2 with KB3000850, and the functionality that is specific to PowerShell v5 will be available on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008R2 when the next version of the Windows Management Framework is released.

Scripting transparency for Antimalware engines Scripting transparency for Antimalware engines

Antimalware engines traditionally focus the majority of their attention on files that applications (or the system) open. Scripts have historically been difficult for antimalware engines to evaluate because scripts can be so easily obfuscated. Unless the antimalware engine can emulate the particular scripting language, it will not be able to deobfuscate the script to view the actual payload.

A new Windows 10 feature, the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI), lets applications become active participants in malware defense. Applications can now request antimalware evaluation of any content – not just files on disk. This gives script engines (and other applications) the ability to request evaluation of deobfuscated scripts and to request evaluation of content entered directly in to the console.

For more information about the Antimalware Scan Interface, see

PowerShell Logging Improvements PowerShell Logging Improvements

Given the incredible power of PowerShell’s shell and scripting language, we’ve made major advancements in PowerShell’s transparency for PowerShell v5:

Improved over-the-shoulder transcription

Previous versions of PowerShell provided the ability to transcript sessions. Unfortunately, transcripting was not globally configurable, could be easily disabled, and only worked in the interactive PowerShell console. The result was that transcripting was not very practical for detecting malicious activity.

For PowerShell v5 and Windows 8.1/2012R2 with KB3000850, the following changes have been made for transcripting:

  • Can now be configured as a system-wide group policy
  • Provides better information about the session than the previous transcription functionality
  • Transcription works in both non-interactive and interactive PowerShell sessions

Deep script block logging

Previous versions of PowerShell provided “pipeline logging”, a mechanism to log all commands invoked (with the parameters). The way this information was logged made it difficult to use for security auditing and detection. In PowerShell v5 and Windows 8.1/2012R2 with KB3000850, PowerShell gains a new security focused logging mechanism called “Script Block Logging”.

A “script block” is the base level of executable code in PowerShell. Even when a script is obfuscated, it must eventually be transformed from an obfuscated script block back in to a deobfuscated script block containing its malicious payload.

PowerShell now provides the option to log all script blocks to the event log prior to executing them. In the case of obfuscated scripts, both the obfuscated and deobfuscated script blocks will end up being logged. This gives defenders the ability to see exactly what PowerShell code is being run on their systems.

Protected Event Logging Protected Event Logging

One concern when you increase logging on a machine is that the information you’ve logged may contain sensitive data. If an attacker compromises that machine, this sensitive information in the event log may be a gold mine of credentials, confidential systems, and more. To help address this concern, we’ve added Protected Event Logging to Windows 10, which lets participating applications encrypt sensitive data as they write it to the event log. You can then decrypt and process these logs once you’ve moved them to a more secure and centralized log collector.

Miscellaneous Security Improvements Miscellaneous Security Improvements

Additional security features added to PowerShell v5 include:

  • Encryption and decryption cmdlets using the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) standard
  • Secure code generation APIs for developers
  • “Constrained PowerShell” for systems that implement AppLocker policies

For more information about PowerShell’s transparency improvements, Protected Event Logging, and other PowerShell security improvements, see

Joe Bialek (MSRC Engineering), Lee Holmes (PowerShell)

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