

Congratulations to the Top MSRC 2023 Q3 Security Researchers!

Congratulations to all the researchers recognized in this quarter’s Microsoft Researcher Recognition Program leaderboard! Thank you to everyone for your hard work and continued partnership to secure customers. The top three researchers of the 2023 Q3 Security Researcher Leaderboard are Wei, VictorV, and Anonymous! Check out the full list of researchers recognized this quarter here.


Congratulations to all the researchers recognized in this quarter’s Microsoft Researcher Recognition Program leaderboard! Thank you to everyone for your hard work and continued partnership to secure customers.

The top three researchers of the 2023 Q3 Security Researcher Leaderboard are Wei, VictorV, and Anonymous!

Check out the full list of researchers recognized this quarter here.

Congratulations to the top Azure researchers this quarter: Wei, VictorV, Suresh Chelladurai!

Congratulations to the top Office researchers this quarter: Brad Schlintz, Harun Can, Disclosures!

Congratulations to the top Windows researchers this quarter: Jarvis_1oop, k0shl, Anonymous!

This 2023 Q3 leaderboard reflects point values for cases that are:

  • Submitted and assessed by the MSRC team between July 1, 2023, and September 30, 2023
  • Submitted and assessed by the MSRC team between April 1, 2023, and June 30, 2023 (last program period), but assessed after July 1, 2023

Past quarterly leaderboard announcements:

  • MSRC 2023 Q2 Security Researcher Leaderboard
  • MSRC 2023 Q1 Security Researcher Leaderboard
  • MSRC 2022 Q4 Security Researcher Leaderboard
  • MSRC 2022 Q3 Security Researcher Leaderboard
  • MSRC 2022 Q2 Security Researcher Leaderboard
  • MSRC 2022 Q1 Security Researcher Leaderboard
  • MSRC 2021 Q4 Security Researcher Leaderboard
  • MSRC 2021 Q3 Security Researcher Leaderboard

Keep up the awesome work and we look forward to seeing you next quarter!

Madeline Eckert, MSRC

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