

Talos Incident Response added to German BSI Advanced Persistent Threat response list

Cisco Talos Incident Response is now listed as an approved vendor on the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) response service providers list. Talos Incident Response successfully demonstrated to the BSI, through a review of our processes and a…

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Cisco Talos Incident Response is now listed as an approved vendor on the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) response service providers list. Talos Incident Response successfully demonstrated to the BSI, through a review of our processes and a technical panel interview, that we can respond to cybersecurity incidents involving APT actors throughout Germany. Additionally, Cisco was recognized as a Leader by IDC MarketScape for our Worldwide Incident Readiness services. We look forward to continuing to provide our wide range of market-leading, globally delivered incident response services to Cisco’s German Federal, Public and Private business customers.

This addition to the BSI APT service provider list is the culmination of years of work by Cisco Talos to support our customers globally. Being included on this list means CTIR has shown time and time again that our services meet or exceed customers’ expectations. BSI is a third-party company in Germany that verified our work. We are incredibly proud that our work met BSI’s expectations and we proved ourselves to the point that we could be included on this list.

All of the Talos Incident Response services are delivered by exceptionally qualified digital forensic and incident response experts, whose experience ranges from response to cyber security breaches to proactive services such as incident response plans, playbooks and tabletop exercises. The centrally managed global team allows us to deliver our services using those consultants who are most capable to meet each customer’s unique requirements. We take pride in being a tool-agnostic and multilingual team that can support clients with varied technology stacks and language requirements. German language support is available to retainer customers in Germany for several services to meet our customers where they are most comfortable.

Talos Incident Response provides a new approach, capitalizing on our unmatched visibility, unique and actionable threat intelligence, and collective, global response capability. Our customers understand their response capabilities better and have access to the largest threat intelligence, research and response team in the world on-call when it matters most.

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