

Video: Talos 2023 Year in Review highlights

In this video, experts from across Cisco Talos came together to discuss the 2023 Talos Year in Review. We chat about what’s new, what’s stayed the same, and how the geopolitical environment has affected the threat landscape.


By Hazel Burton

Monday, December 11, 2023 05:48

2023YiR Year In Review

In this video, experts from across Cisco Talos came together to discuss the 2023 Talos Year in Review. We chat about what’s new, what’s stayed the same, and how the geopolitical environment has affected the threat landscape.

This video was recorded live on social media:

Read the 2023 Cisco Talos Year in Review

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We also discussed Project PowerUp, the story of how Cisco helped to keep the lights on in Ukraine. Read the full story here.

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