

Video series discussing the major threat actor trends from 2023

In this video series, Talos’ Director of Threat Intelligence and Interdiction Matt Olney and Head of Outreach Nick Biasini share their insights on the most significant cybersecurity threats from the past year.


Monday, January 8, 2024 05:30

In this video series, Talos’ Director of Threat Intelligence and Interdiction Matt Olney and Head of Outreach Nick Biasini share their insights on the most significant cybersecurity threats from the past year.

From attacks on network infrastructure to the latest APT activities, as well as an update on our Ukraine Task Force, these short videos provide some great insights into the current cybersecurity threat environment.

You can learn more in the 2023 Talos Year in Review.

The increased targeting of networking devices

Ransomware and extortion

The activities of Advanced Persistent Threat actors (APTs)

Ukraine Task Force update

Recommendations for defenders

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