


セキュリティ更新プログラム ガイド (Security Update Guide) を使ってみよう

※ 2020 年 11 月に、セキュリティ更新プログラム ガイドがリニューアルしています。新しいセキュリティ更新プログ

April 2017 security update release

Today we released security updates to provide additional protections against malicious attackers. As a best practice, we encourage customers to turn on automatic updates. More information about this month’s security updates can be found on the Security Update Guide. MSRC team

2017 年 4 月のセキュリティ更新プログラム (月例)

2017 年 4 月 12 日 (日本時間)、マイクロソフトは以下のソフトウェアのセキュリティ更新プログラムを公開しまし

April 2017 security update release

Today we released security updates to provide additional protections against malicious attackers. As a best practice, we encourage customers to turn on automatic updates. More information about this month’s security updates can be found on the Security Update Guide. MSRC team

Windows Defender ATP でクロスプロセス インジェクションを発見する

本記事は、Microsoft Malware Protection Center のブログ “Uncovering cross-process injection with Windows Defender ATP” (2017 年 3 月 8 日 米国時

Advanced Threat Analytics プレイブックを使って攻撃をシミュレーションし検出する方法

本記事は、Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics Team のブログ “How to simulate and detect attacks with the Advanced Threat Analytics Playbook” (2017 年 2 月 23

マイクロソフト報奨金プログラムの拡張 – Windows 用の Office Insider ビルドに関する報奨金プログラム

本記事は、Microsoft Security Response Center のブログ “Announcing the new Bug Bounty Program for Office Insider Builds on Windows”

Announcing the new Bug Bounty Program for Office Insider Builds on Windows

We’ve engineered Office to be secure by design and continually invest in enhancing its security capabilities. In the spirit of maintaining a high security bar in Office, we’re launching the Bug Bounty Program for Office Insider Builds on Windows. The Office Bug Bounty Program complements our continuous internal engineering investments that include designing secure features through threat modeling, security in code reviews, security automation, and internal penetration testing.

Microsoft BlueHat v17 Dates Announced - Update 4/3/2017

Update - The Call For Papers (CFP) for BlueHat v17 will be held from 6/1/2017 - 8/18/2017. We will be setting up a submissions portal for web based submissions of papers. The portal will be live on 6/1/2017. Please do not send submissions to [email protected]. Microsoft is pleased to announce that the dates for BlueHat v17 have been set for November 8-9, 2017, here in Redmond, WA USA.

Announcing the new Bug Bounty Program for Office Insider Builds on Windows

We’ve engineered Office to be secure by design and continually invest in enhancing its security capabilities. In the spirit of maintaining a high security bar in Office, we’re launching the Bug Bounty Program for Office Insider Builds on Windows. The Office Bug Bounty Program complements our continuous internal engineering investments that include designing secure features through threat modeling, security in code reviews, security automation, and internal penetration testing.