


Prototype pollution vulnerabilities rife among high-traffic websites, study finds

Technique is exploitable at scale because it’s so overlooked, speculate researchers

US retailer Neiman Marcus notifies 4.6 million customers of data breach

Department store chain forces password reset after discovering 2020 incident last month

Latest web hacking tools – Q4 2021

We take a look at the latest additions to security researchers’ armoury

RCE vulnerabilities in open source software Cachet could put users at risk

Patches released for status page management system flaws

Navistar confirms data breach involved employee healthcare information

US truck manufacturer breaks bad news to employees and retired workers

What does the future hold for browser security? Check out the latest features destined for mobile and desktop

A rundown of leading web browsers’ privacy and security features – both in place and in the pipeline

WordPress security: CookieYes GDPR plugin patches XSS bug following large-scale PHP audit

Researchers claim five plugins use extract() function insecurely – but some maintainers disagree

Mission accomplished: Security plugin HTTPS Everywhere to be deprecated in 2022

Browser extension can be retired as push to encrypt the web is almost complete, says EFF