


Black Hat USA: HTTP/2 flaws expose organizations to fresh wave of request smuggling attacks

Security researcher James Kettle digs deep into the web stack to reveal some shiny new attack surface

Black Hat USA: HTTP/2 flaws expose organizations to fresh wave of request smuggling attacks

Security researcher James Kettle digs deep into the web stack to reveal some shiny new attack surface

Black Hat USA: HTTP/2 flaws expose organizations to fresh wave of request smuggling attacks

Security researcher James Kettle digs deep into the web stack to reveal some shiny new attack surface

Black Hat USA 2021: Lessons to learn from the aviation sector after Biden mandates cyber-attack investigatory body

‘We might not make cyber-attacks as rare as airline disasters, but we can hopefully make them a more manageable problem’

Black Hat USA 2021: Lessons to learn from the aviation sector after Biden mandates cyber-attack investigatory body

‘We might not make cyber-attacks as rare as airline disasters, but we can hopefully make them a more manageable problem’

Black Hat USA 2021: Lessons to learn from the aviation sector after Biden mandates cyber-attack investigatory body

‘We might not make cyber-attacks as rare as airline disasters, but we can hopefully make them a more manageable problem’

Black Hat USA 2021: Lessons to learn from the aviation sector after Biden mandates cyber-attack investigatory body

‘We might not make cyber-attacks as rare as airline disasters, but we can hopefully make them a more manageable problem’

Black Hat Briefings: Hosted DNS configuration flaws risk leaking corporate network topologies

AWS Route 53 plugs security hole, but other managed DNS platforms are potentially vulnerable, researchers warn

Black Hat Briefings: Hosted DNS configuration flaws risk leaking corporate network topologies

AWS Route 53 plugs security hole, but other managed DNS platforms are potentially vulnerable, researchers warn

Black Hat Briefings: Hosted DNS configuration flaws risk leaking corporate network topologies

AWS Route 53 plugs security hole, but other managed DNS platforms are potentially vulnerable, researchers warn