

#WinVerifyTrust Signature Verification

CVE-2013-3900: WinVerifyTrust Signature Validation Vulnerability

**What is the result of opting into the stricter verification behavior?** Opting into the stricter verification behavior causes the WinVerifyTrust function to perform strict Windows Authenticode signature verification for PE files. After you opt in, PE files will be considered "unsigned" if Windows identifies content in them that does not conform to the Authenticode specification. This may impact some installers. If you are using an installer that is impacted, Microsoft recommends using an installer that only extracts content from validated portions of the signed file. **How can I enable the new signature verification behavior?** Customers who would like to enable the new Authenticode signature verification behavior can do so by setting a key in the system registry. When the key is set, Windows Authenticode signature verification will no longer recognize binaries with Authenticode signatures that contain extraneous information in the WIN\_CERTIFICATE structure. Customers can choose ...

Microsoft Security Response Center
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