The Qubely WordPress plugin before 1.7.8 does not have authorisation and CSRF check on the qubely_delete_saved_block AJAX action, and does not ensure that the block to be deleted belong to the plugin, as a result, any authenticated users, such as subscriber can delete arbitrary posts
The Ultimate FAQ WordPress plugin before 2.1.2 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the ewd_ufaq_welcome_add_faq and ewd_ufaq_welcome_add_faq_page AJAX actions, available to any authenticated users. As a result, any users, with a role as low as Subscriber could create FAQ and FAQ questions
The WP125 WordPress plugin before 1.5.5 does not have CSRF checks in various action, for example when deleting an ad, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin delete them via a CSRF attack
The Qubely WordPress plugin before 1.7.8 does not have authorisation and CSRF check on the qubely_delete_saved_block AJAX action, and does not ensure that the block to be deleted belong to the plugin, as a result, any authenticated users, such as subscriber can delete arbitrary posts
The Accept Donations with PayPal WordPress plugin before 1.3.4 does not have CSRF check in place and does not ensure that the post to be deleted belongs to the plugin, allowing attackers to make a logged in admin delete arbitrary posts from the blog
The Ultimate FAQ WordPress plugin before 2.1.2 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the ewd_ufaq_welcome_add_faq and ewd_ufaq_welcome_add_faq_page AJAX actions, available to any authenticated users. As a result, any users, with a role as low as Subscriber could create FAQ and FAQ questions
The Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce WordPress plugin before 11.0.7 does not have authorisation and CSRF check in some of its AJAX actions, allowing any authenticated users to call then, which could lead to Stored Cross-Site Scripting issue (which will be triggered in the admin dashboard) due to the lack of escaping.
The Simple Download Monitor WordPress plugin before 3.9.9 does not enforce nonce checks, which could allow attackers to perform CSRF attacks to 1) make admins export logs to exploit a separate log disclosure vulnerability (fixed in 3.9.6), 2) delete logs (fixed in 3.9.9), 3) remove thumbnail image from downloads
The WP Extra File Types WordPress plugin before 0.5.1 does not have CSRF check when saving its settings, nor sanitise and escape some of them, which could allow attackers to make a logged in admin change them and perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks
The Five Star Restaurant Reservations WordPress plugin before 2.4.8 does not have capability and CSRF checks in the rtb_welcome_set_schedule AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users to call it. Due to the lack of sanitisation and escaping, users with a role as low as subscriber could perform Cross-Site Scripting attacks against logged in admins