


Your Phone May Soon Replace Many of Your Passwords

Apple, Google and Microsoft announced this week they will soon support an approach to authentication that avoids passwords altogether, and instead requires users to merely unlock their smartphones to sign in to websites or online services. Experts say the changes should help defeat many types of phishing attacks and ease the overall password burden on Internet users, but caution that a true passwordless future may still be years away for most websites.

Krebs on Security
USB-based Wormable Raspberry Robin Malware Targeting Windows Installer

By Deeba Ahmed The malware Raspberry Robin is distributed via external drives and uses Microsoft Standard installer to execute malicious commands.… This is a post from Read the original post: USB-based Wormable Raspberry Robin Malware Targeting Windows Installer

Threat Roundup for April 29 to May 6

Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between April 29 and May 6. As with previous roundups, this post isn't meant to be an in-depth analysis. Instead, this post will summarize the threats we've observed by highlighting key behavioral characteristics,... [[ This is only the beginning! Please visit the blog for the complete entry ]]

DDoS Attacks by Hacktivists Disrupted Russian Alcohol Supply Chain

By Deeba Ahmed Attackers from the Ukrainian IT army successfully disrupted alcohol shipments in Russia by targeting EGAIS, the country’s primary… This is a post from Read the original post: DDoS Attacks by Hacktivists Disrupted Russian Alcohol Supply Chain

Passwords: Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words?

For most of us, passwords are the most visible security control we deal with on a regular basis, but we are not very good at it.

USB-based Wormable Malware Targets Windows Installer

Activity dubbed ‘Raspberry Robin’ uses Microsoft Standard Installer and other legitimate processes to communicate with threat actors and execute nefarious commands.

CVE-2022-30295: Nozomi Networks Discovers Unpatched DNS Bug in Popular C Standard Library Putting IoT at Risk

uClibc-ng through 1.0.40 and uClibc through use predictable DNS transaction IDs that may lead to DNS cache poisoning. This is related to a reset of a value to 0x2.

CVE-2022-30295: Nozomi Networks Discovers Unpatched DNS Bug in Popular C Standard Library Putting IoT at Risk

uClibc-ng through 1.0.40 and uClibc through use predictable DNS transaction IDs that may lead to DNS cache poisoning. This is related to a reset of a value to 0x2.

Microsoft, Apple, and Google Promise to Expand Passwordless Features

The passwordless future just became closer to reality, as Microsoft, Apple, and Google pledge to make the standard possible across operating systems and browsers.