

CVE-2023-33584: CVE/CVE-2023-33584/CVE-2023-33584.txt at main · sudovivek/CVE

Sourcecodester Enrollment System Project V1.0 is vulnerable to SQL Injection (SQLI) attacks, which allow an attacker to manipulate the SQL queries executed by the application. The application fails to properly validate user-supplied input in the username and password fields during the login process, enabling an attacker to inject malicious SQL code.


> [Suggested Description]


> Enrollment System Project V1.0, developed by Sourcecodester, has been found to be vulnerable to SQL Injection (SQLI) attacks.

> This vulnerability allows an attacker to manipulate the SQL queries executed by the application.

> The system fails to properly validate user-supplied input in the username and password fields during the login process,

> enabling an attacker to inject malicious SQL code. By exploiting this vulnerability,

> an attacker can bypass authentication and gain unauthorized access to the system.


> ------------------------------------------


> [Additional Information]

> Step To Reproduce:


> The following steps outline the exploitation of the SQL Injection vulnerability in Enrollment System Project V1.0:


> 1. Launch the Enrollment System Project V1.0 application.


> 2. Open the login page by accessing the URL: http://localhost/enrollment/login.php.


> 3. In the username and password fields, insert the following SQL Injection payload shown inside brackets to bypass authentication: {’ or 1=1 #}.


> 4. Click the login button to execute the SQL Injection payload.



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> [Vulnerability Type]

> SQL Injection


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> [Vendor of Product]



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> [Affected Product Code Base]

> Enrollment System Project - V1.0


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> [Attack Type]

> Remote


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> [Impact Code execution]

> true


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> [Reference]




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> [Discoverer]

> Vivek Choudhary

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