CVE-2023-38989: 普通用户可以删除不可见的管理员信息 · Issue #518 · thinkgem/jeesite
An issue in the delete function in the UserController class of jeesite v1.2.6 allows authenticated attackers to arbitrarily delete the Administrator’s role information.
管理员角色对普通用户是不可见的,但是普通用户可以通过id来删除管理员的角色信息,以下展示了普通用户请求url:http://localhost:8080/jeesite/a/sys/user/delete?id=2 删除id为2的管理员的角色信息
The administrator role is not visible to regular users, but regular users can still delete the administrator’s role information by using the 'id’. The following shows an example of a regular user requesting the URL: http://localhost:8080/jeesite/a/sys/user/delete?id=2 to delete the role information of the administrator with ID 2.
The issue code is present in the ‘delete’ function of the ‘UserController’ class in com.thinkgem.jeesite.modules.sys.web.
Visible to administrators.
Attempting to delete the record with ID 2 and username “sd_admin” for the Shandong Provincial Headquarters by sending a request.
Deletion successful.
After logging in as an administrator, it is noticed that the role with the login name “ad_admin” has been deleted.
The problematic code.