

CVE-2022-43679: ownCloud - share files and folders, easy and secure

The Docker image of ownCloud Server through 10.11 contains a misconfiguration that renders the trusted_domains config useless. This could be abused to spoof the URL in password-reset e-mail messages.


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Give staff an easy, flexible and secure way to share files and folders. Safely involve contacts outside your organization with select documents. Share public links shielded by passwords and expiration dates.

Say goodbye to slow VPN connections, unversioned documents attached to emails and shadow IT in public clouds of questionable security.


General Data Protection Regulation


Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados


Cloud Computing Regulatory Framework


Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


California Consumer Privacy Act

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Modern teams collaborate from anywhere and from any device. Make them more efficient by enabling them to store, share and work on their data and documents through a single point of access.

Work simultaneously on documents, create presentations together in real-time, annotate files and much more, thereby saving time on coordination and feedback processes.

We believe that the needs for data sovereignty and real-time collaboration can be reconciled in private clouds. Learn how we can help you gain digital sovereignty.

Convenient collaboration with internal and external parties without storing data in the public cloud. Open APIs and modularity let you integrate almost everything to your ownCloud – Data sovereignty by design.

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