CVE-2021-21946: TALOS-2021-1375 || Cisco Talos Intelligence Group
Two heap-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities exists in the JPEG-JFIF lossless Huffman image parser functionality of Accusoft ImageGear 19.10. A specially-crafted file can lead to a heap buffer overflow. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger these vulnerabilities.This heap-based buffer overflow takes place when the SOF3
precision is lower than 9.
Two heap-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities exists in the JPEG-JFIF lossless Huffman image parser functionality of Accusoft ImageGear 19.10. A specially-crafted file can lead to a heap buffer overflow. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger these vulnerabilities.
Tested Versions
Accusoft ImageGear 19.10
Product URLs
ImageGear - https://www.accusoft.com/products/imagegear-collection/
CVSSv3 Score
9.8 - CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CWE-122 - Heap-based Buffer Overflow
The ImageGear library is a document-imaging developer toolkit that offers image conversion, creation, editing, annotation and more. It supports more than 100 formats such as DICOM, PDF, Microsoft Office and others.
When a JPEG-JFIF with specific markers is loaded, its data is parsed by the process_jpeg_lossless function.
The process_jpeg_lossless function:
(jpeg_dec *jpeg_dec,SOF_object *SOF_object,short restart_interval,int max_X_sampling,
int max_Y_sampling,lpfn_allocation_jpeg_buffer lpfn_allocation_jpeg_buffer)
local_8 = DAT_102bcea8 ^ (uint)&stack0xfffffffc;
image_width = (SOF_object->SOF_header).width;
image_height = (SOF_object->SOF_header).height;
precision = (SOF_object->SOF_header).precision;
uVar1 = SOF_object->field_0x1c;
dVar2 = jpeg_dec->old_lossless_read;
dVar3 = SOF_object->field_0x28;
number_of_components = (uint)*(byte *)&SOF_object->possible_num_component_or_color_channel;
dVar4 = jpeg_dec->additional_huffman_logic;
component_index = 0;
single_byte = 0;
_source_LOW = 0;
jpeg_io_buff.size_buffer = 0;
if (number_of_components != 0) {
component_entry = &(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[0].component_values.subsampling_X;
parsed_component_data = horiz_component + 4;
for (component_index_ = number_of_components; component_index_ != 0;
component_index_ = component_index_ - 1) {
*parsed_component_data = 0;
parsed_component_data = parsed_component_data + 1;
do {
X_component = *component_entry;
horiz_component[component_index + 8] = X_component;
horiz_component[component_index] = X_component + 1;
component_index = component_index + 1;
component_entry = component_entry + 0x14;
} while (component_index < (int)number_of_components); [1]
[... input related operations ...]
image_height_done = 0;
if (0 < (int)image_height) {
do {
if (io_buff != 0) break;
if (number_of_components != 0) {
component_index = 0;
component_index_ = number_of_components;
do {
jpeg_component_table_ =
(jpeg_component_table *)
((int)&(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[0].field_0x0 + component_index);
component_index = component_index + 0x50;
(jpeg_component_table_->component_values).buffer_working_ptr =
(dword)jpeg_component_table_->buffer_1; [2]
component_index_ = component_index_ - 1;
} while (component_index_ != 0);
if (number_of_components != 0) {
piVar10 = local_18;
for (component_index_ = number_of_components; component_index_ != 0;
component_index_ = component_index_ - 1) {
*piVar10 = 0;
piVar10 = piVar10 + 1;
width_done = 0;
if (0 < (int)image_width) {
if (restart_interval != 0) {
goto LAB_10122beb;
image_height_done_ = image_height_done;
component_index = 0;
if (number_of_components != 0) {
y_comp_ptr = &(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[0].component_values.subsampling_Y;
piVar10 = local_28;
for (component_index_ = number_of_components; component_index_ != 0;
component_index_ = component_index_ - 1) {
*piVar10 = 1;
piVar10 = piVar10 + 1;
do {
Y_component = *y_comp_ptr;
next_component_idx = component_index + 1;
horiz_component[component_index + 4] =
(int)(horiz_component[component_index + 4] + Y_component) %
horiz_component[component_index + 8] =
(int)(horiz_component[component_index + 8] + Y_component) %
y_comp_ptr = y_comp_ptr + 0x14;
component_index = next_component_idx;
} while (next_component_idx < (int)number_of_components); [3]
SOF_object->image_height_done = image_height_done;
io_buff = (*lpfn_allocation_jpeg_buffer)(2,jpeg_dec->jpeg_related,jpeg_dec,SOF_object);
image_height_done = image_height_done_ + max_Y_sampling;
} while ((int)image_height_done < (int)image_height);
AVar6 = kind_of_fastfail(local_8 ^ (uint)&stack0xfffffffc);
return AVar6;
if (single_byte != 0xff) goto LAB_10122aef;
if (single_byte == 0) {
single_byte = 0xff;
goto LAB_10122aef;
if (7 < (byte)(single_byte + 0x30)) goto LAB_10122aef;
component_index_ = 0;
if (number_of_components != 0) {
uVar8 = 0;
do {
component_index_ = component_index_ + 1;
local_28[uVar8] = 0;
local_18[uVar8] = 0;
uVar8 = component_index_ & 0xffff;
} while (uVar8 < number_of_components);
jpeg_io_buff.size_buffer = 0;
goto joined_r0x10122a81;
component_index_ = (uint)single_byte;
component_index = read_n_bytes(&jpeg_io_buff,6,&real_read_size);
temp_var = 8;
local_68 = 8;
if (component_index != 0) {
[... input related operations ...]
local_60 = component_index_ << (0x20U - (char)local_68 & 0x1f);
component_index = 0;
if (number_of_components != 0) {
source_HIGH = 1 << (cVar5 - 1U & 0x1f);
X_done = X_done & 0xffff | (uint)source_HIGH << 0x10;
temp_var = 0;
piVar10 = local_18;
for (component_index_ = number_of_components; component_index_ != 0;
component_index_ = component_index_ - 1) {
*piVar10 = 0;
piVar10 = piVar10 + 1;
piVar10 = local_28;
for (component_index_ = number_of_components; component_index_ != 0;
component_index_ = component_index_ - 1) {
*piVar10 = 0;
piVar10 = piVar10 + 1;
do {
Y_done_plus_X = component_index + 8;
component_index = component_index + 1;
*(ushort *)
(*(int *)((int)&(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[0].component_values.
buffer_working_ptr + temp_var) +
horiz_component[Y_done_plus_X] *
*(int *)(&(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[0].standardized_width + temp_var) * 2) =
temp_var = temp_var + 0x50;
} while (component_index < (int)number_of_components);
jpeg_io_buff.size_buffer = jpeg_io_buff.size_buffer + 1;
y_comp_ptr = (dword *)0x0;
if (number_of_components != 0) {
component_index = 0;
do {
Y_done = 0;
if (0 < (int)(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[component_index].component_values.
subsampling_Y) {
mod_comp_8 = horiz_component[component_index + 8];
mod_comp_4 = horiz_component[component_index + 4];
do {
Y_done_plus_X = Y_done + mod_comp_8;
temp_var = *(int *)&(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[component_index].
pjVar17 = *SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data + component_index;
dst_buff = (ushort *)(pjVar17->component_values).buffer_working_ptr;
component_buffer = dst_buff + ((mod_comp_4 - mod_comp_8) + Y_done_plus_X) * temp_var; [4]
component_buff_2 = dst_buff + temp_var * Y_done_plus_X;
X_done = 0;
if (0 < (int)(pjVar17->component_values).subsampling_X) {
local_74 = component_buffer + -1;
do {
[.. read data and compute source_HIGH and _source_LOW ..]
shift_bit_n = (byte)dVar3;
if ((int)(SOF_object->SOF_header).precision < 9) {
component_buffer[X_done] =
(ushort)(byte)(((char)source_HIGH << (shift_bit_n & 0x1f)) + (char)_source_LOW); [5]
else {
component_buffer[X_done] =
(source_HIGH << (shift_bit_n & 0x1f)) + (short)_source_LOW; [6]
X_done = X_done + 1;
local_74 = local_74 + 1;
} while ((int)X_done <
Y_done = Y_done + 1;
} while (Y_done < (int)(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[component_index].
y_comp_ptr = (dword *)((int)y_comp_ptr + 1);
component_entry =
*component_entry =
*component_entry +
(*SOF_object->nr_component_buffer_data)[component_index].component_values.subsampling_X *
2; [7]
component_index = (int)(short)y_comp_ptr;
} while (component_index < (int)number_of_components);
width_done = width_done + max_X_sampling;
if ((int)image_width <= width_done) goto go_to_next_ROW_or_finish;
goto continue_ROW;
This function parses the JPEG data when a SOF3 segment is present. When the data is lossless, Huffman code parses the components specified in the SOS segment. This function uses, for each compent, a buffer. Each component buffer’s size is calculated in the allocate_buffer_for_jpeg_decoding function, in which the buffers are also allocated:
(jpeg_dec *jpeg_dec,SOF_object *jpeg_object,enum_SOF_type type_of_sof,
jpeg_component_table *jpeg_component_table)
local_10 = 0;
size_malloc = 0;
x_MAX_sampling_factor = (uint)jpeg_dec->x_MAX_sampling_factor;
y_MAX_sampling_factor = (uint)jpeg_dec->y_MAX_sampling_factor; [8]
if ((((jpeg_dec->type_of_SOF == Lossy) || (jpeg_dec->type_of_SOF == Progressive)) &&
((jpeg_dec->caller_id == 0x15 || (jpeg_dec->caller_id == 0x47)))) &&
((jpeg_object->SOF_header).precision == 8)) {
else {
subsampling_X = (jpeg_component_table->component_values).subsampling_X;
subsampling_Y = (jpeg_component_table->component_values).subsampling_Y;
*(dword *)&jpeg_component_table->field_0x34 = subsampling_X;
*(dword *)&jpeg_component_table->field_0x38 = subsampling_Y;
jpeg_component_table->maybe_per_component_bits = 8;
if (type_of_sof != Lossy) {
if (type_of_sof == Lossless) {
subsampling_X_ = (jpeg_component_table->component_values).subsampling_X;
*(int *)&jpeg_component_table->standardized_width =
(int)(jpeg_dec->x_image * subsampling_X + -1 + x_MAX_sampling_factor) /
size_malloc = (subsampling_X_ + subsampling_Y) *
*(int *)&jpeg_component_table->standardized_width * 2; [9]
*(int *)&jpeg_component_table->standardized_height =
(int)(jpeg_dec->y_image * subsampling_Y + -1 + y_MAX_sampling_factor) /
goto LAB_101269a7;
pbVar2 = (byte *)AF_memm_alloc(jpeg_dec->kind_of_heap,size_malloc); [10]
jpeg_component_table->buffer_1 = pbVar2;
pbVar2 = (byte *)AF_memm_alloc(jpeg_dec->kind_of_heap,size_malloc);
jpeg_component_table->buffer2 = pbVar2;
if ((jpeg_component_table->buffer_1 == (byte *)0x0) || (pbVar2 == (byte *)0x0)) {
local_10 = AF_err_record_set("..\\..\\..\\..\\Common\\Formats\\jpeg_dec.c",0xec5,-1000,0,
if (type_of_sof == Lossless) {
*(short *)(jpeg_component_table->buffer_1 +
((size_malloc >> 1) - *(int *)&jpeg_component_table->standardized_width) * 2) =
1 << ((char)(jpeg_object->SOF_header).precision - 1U & 0x1f);
(jpeg_component_table->component_values).buffer_working_ptr =
jpeg_component_table->field_0x0 = 0;
return local_10;
The function allocate_buffer_for_jpeg_decoding is called for each component. It calculates the required size and allocates two buffers using that size. At [9], the component’s subsampling values are used in combination with values calculated at [8] to calculate the size of a single component buffer. The values at [8] are identical for every component. Indeed they are the maximum Vert and Horiz subsampling values among all the components. The size formula is summarized as:
standardized_width = (X_image * subsampling_X -1 + x_MAX_sampling_factor)/x_MAX_sampling_factor
size_malloc = (subsampling_X + subsampling_Y) * standardized_width * 2
This size is then used to allocate at [10] the buffer that will be later used in process_jpeg_lossless to process, allegedly, one “row” at the time.
In order to explain the essential points of process_jpeg_lossless we will first introduce a schematization of the loop structures used in process_jpeg_lossless. The process_jpeg_lossless function can be schematized as:
def process_jpeg_lossless_easy(X_image, Y_image, image_comps, comp_idx):
x_comp = image_comps[comp_idx].x
y_comp = image_comps[comp_idx].y
component_buffer = image_comps[comp_idx].buffer
num_comp = len(image_comps)
for x in range(num_comp):
x_MAX = max(image_comps[x].x, x_MAX)
y_MAX = 0
for x in range(num_comp):
y_MAX = max(image_comps[x].y, y_MAX)
standardized_width = (X_image * x_comp -1 + x_MAX) // x_MAX # as integer
mod_comp_4 = 0
mod_comp_0 = x_comp + 1
mod_comp_8 = x_comp [11]
y_MAX_extra_idx = 0
while y_MAX_extra_idx < Y_image:
x_MAX_extra_idx = 0
number_of_it = 0
while x_MAX_extra_idx < X_image:
for y_idx in range(y_comp):
Y_done_comp_8 = y_idx + mod_comp_8
buffer_offset = (mod_comp_4 - mod_comp_8 + Y_done_comp_8) * standardized_width * 2
+ (number_of_it * x_comp * 2) [12]
for x_idx in range(x_comp):
# CALCULATE the required data for sum_of_short_data or sum_of_byte_data
if SOF.precision < 9
(component_buffer + buffer_offset)[x_idx] = sum_of_byte_data
(component_buffer + buffer_offset)[x_idx] = sum_of_short_data
# here ^ is accessing the element at position x_idx, of a word array (16bit)
number_of_it += 1
x_MAX_extra_idx += x_MAX
mod_comp_4 = (mod_comp_4 + y_comp) % mod_comp_0 [13]
mod_comp_8 = (mod_comp_8 + y_comp) % mod_comp_0 [14]
y_MAX_extra_idx += y_MAX
This function does not reflect the original process_jpeg_lossless function. This only summarizes the loop structure for a single component. In reality there would be another loop, iterating for each component, before the one for y_comp. Furthermore the majority of the variables in process_jpeg_lossless_easy exist for each component in process_jpeg_lossless. This schematization is useful to understand the structure used to iterate and fill each component buffer.
The overall process repeats until y_MAX_extra_idx < Y_image, where y_MAX_extra_idx starts from 0 and increses by y_MAX. Nested there is another loop perfomed while x_MAX_extra_idx < X_image. The variables x_MAX_extra_idx start at 0, at the begining of the Y_image loop, and are incremented by x_MAX for each loop. In these loops, for each component, there is a for loop iterated Vert times, and for each of the Vert iterations, another for loop perfomed Horiz times.
At [12] can be seen that, for each iteration of y_comp a buffer_offset is calculated. This variable is used in order to “seek” the proper component’s buffer position in which to write; this is perfomed instead of adapting the accessing index. The buffer_offset varies based on the various already completed iterations. The corresponding instruction in process_jpeg_lossless is related to [4]. The three variables initialized at [11] correspond to the loop at [1] that is perfomed for each component. The instruction at [13] and [14] correspond to the loop at [3] that is perfomed every time the X_image loop is completed. The variable number_of_it that is used to contribute in the buffer_offset with (number_of_it * x_comp * 2) corresponds to [7] when incresed by one, perfomed each time the y_comp loop completes. Instead, number_of_it resets to 0 corresponding to [2], perfomed each time the X_image loop completes.
CVE-2021-21946 - Precision lower than 9
A specially-crafted JPEG file can lead to a heap-based buffer overflow in the JPEG lossless Huffman image parser, due to a missing boundary check.
Trying to load a malicious JPEG file, we end up in the following situation:
(1fd4.720): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=12653ffe edx=00000000 esi=00000001 edi=12653ffe
eip=707131e1 esp=0019f940 ebp=0019fa88 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246
707131e1 66890471 mov word ptr [ecx+esi*2],ax ds:002b:12654000=????
The access violation takes place at [5] in the process_jpeg_lossless function, when filling a word in a component’s buffer when the SOF3’s precision is lower than 9.
From the “seeking” of the component’s buffer at [4] to [5] there is no boundary check on accesing the element at position x_idx.
For example with:
Y_image = 0x22
X_image = 0x4
precision = 0x8
nr_comp = 2
COMP = {
Horiz, Vert = 2, 2;
Horiz, Vert = 3, 9;
The first component would have as size:
standardized_width = (X_image * subsampling_X -1 + x_MAX_sampling_factor) / x_MAX_sampling_factor
malloc_size = (subsampling_X + subsampling_Y) * standardized_width * 2
= (2 + 2) * ((4 * 2 -1 + 3) / 3) * 2 = 0x18 The result is `0x18` because it is firstly calcualted `((4 * 2 -1 + 3)/3)` as an integer before the value is plugged into the formula. So the buffer size, in this case, is `0x18` bytes
At the second iteration of Y_image, second of X_image, with y_idx and x_idx at 1, we have: - mod_comp_4 = 2 and mod_comp_8 = 1 because their values have been updated after the X_image loop completed once - number_of_it = 1 because the X_image is at the second iteration - standardized_width = (X_image * x_comp -1 + x_MAX) / x_MAX = (4 * 2 -1 + 3) / 3 = 3 - Y_done_comp_8 = y_idx + mod_comp_8 = 1 + 1 = 2
So the buffer_offset is equal to:
buffer_offset = (mod_comp_4 - mod_comp_8 + Y_done_comp_8)
* standardized_width * 2 + (number_of_it * x_comp * 2)
= (2 - 1 + 2) * 3 * 2 + (1 * 2 * 2) = 0x16 So we have that buffer's size at `0x18` bytes long and the offset at `0x16` bytes. The buffer, after applying the offset, has only two bytes of space left. Since the buffer is accessed at `[5]` as a buffer of `short`, it means that the buffer, after applying the offset, can only contains one element. Because we are accessing, after applying the offset, the element at position `1` (`x_idx = 1`) in a buffer of `short`, we have, at `[5]`, a heap-based buffer overflow.
CVE-2021-21947 - Precision greater or equal than 9
A specially-crafted JPEG file can lead to a heap-based buffer overflow in the JPEG lossless Huffman image parser, due to a missing boundary check.
Trying to load a malicious JPEG file, we end up in the following situation:
(730.9ec): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=0bc9cffe ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000001 edi=0bc9cffe
eip=707130eb esp=0019f940 ebp=0019fa88 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010246
707130eb 66891c70 mov word ptr [eax+esi*2],bx ds:002b:0bc9d000=????
The access violation takes place at [6] in the process_jpeg_lossless function, when filling a word in a component’s buffer when the SOF3’s precision is greater than or equal to 9.
From the “seeking” of the component’s buffer at [4] to [6] there is no boundary check on accessing the element at position x_idx.
For example with:
Y_image = 0x22
X_image = 0x4
precision = 0xA
nr_comp = 2
COMP = {
Horiz, Vert = 2, 2;
Horiz, Vert = 3, 9;
The first component would have as size:
standardized_width = (X_image * subsampling_X -1 + x_MAX_sampling_factor) / x_MAX_sampling_factor
malloc_size = (subsampling_X + subsampling_Y) * standardized_width * 2
= (2 + 2) * ((4 * 2 -1 + 3) / 3) * 2 = 0x18 The result is `0x18` because it is first calcualted `((4 * 2 -1 + 3)/3)` as an integer before the value is plugged into the formula.
At the second iteration of Y_image, second of X_image, with y_idx and x_idx at 1, we have: - mod_comp_4 = 2 and mod_comp_8 = 1 because their values have been updated after the X_image loop completed once - number_of_it = 1 because the X_image is at the second iteration - standardized_width = (X_image * x_comp -1 + x_MAX) / x_MAX = (4 * 2 -1 + 3) / 3 = 3 - Y_done_comp_8 = y_idx + mod_comp_8 = 1 + 1 = 2
So the buffer_offset is equal to:
buffer_offset = (mod_comp_4 - mod_comp_8 + Y_done_comp_8)
* standardized_width * 2 + (number_of_it * x_comp * 2)
= (2 - 1 + 2) * 3 * 2 + (1 * 2 * 2) = 0x16 So we have that buffer's size at `0x18` bytes long and the offset at `0x16` bytes. The buffer, after applying the offset, has only two bytes of space left. Since the buffer is accessed at `[6]` as a buffer of `short`, the buffer, after applying the offset, can only contain one element. Because we are accessing, after applying the offset, the element at position `1` (`x_idx = 1`) in a buffer of `short`, we have, at `[6]`, an heap-based buffer overflow.
2021-09-23 - Initial contact
2021-09-24 - Vendor acknowledged and nd confirmed under review with engineering team
2021-11-30 - 60 day follow up
2021-12-07 - Vendor advised release planned for Q1 2022
2021-12-07 - 30 day disclosure extension granted
2022-01-06 - Final disclosure notification
2022-02-23 - Public disclosure
Discovered by Francesco Benvenuto of Cisco Talos.