CVE-2020-15023: Wi-Fi Networking-Products-Askey Computer Corp. (亞旭電腦)
Askey AP5100W devices through AP5100W_Dual_SIG_1.01.097 are affected by WPS PIN offline brute-force cracking. This arises because of issues with the random number selection for the Diffie-Hellman exchange. By capturing an attempted (and even failed) WPS authentication attempt, it is possible to brute force the overall authentication exchange. This allows an attacker to obtain the recovered WPS PIN in minutes or even seconds, and eventually obtain the Wi-Fi PSK key, gaining access to the Wi=Fi network.
Plug in, Switch on, Operate. Easy installation beyond your imagination.
Askey has a full range of Wi-Fi Networking products – from the fastest Wi-Fi 6 to the barrier-breaking Mesh Wi-Fi technologies – we make sure that wireless signals reach every corner.
Mesh Wi-Fi
Enterprise and Industrial Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi 6 Dual-Band Router
Simply outstanding, this is the ultimate device for home users who want the best Wi-Fi performance.