CVE-2023-32302: [CVE-2023-32302] Require password field to be non-empty · silverstripe/silverstripe-framework@7b21b38
Silverstripe Framework is the MVC framework that powers Silverstripe CMS. When a new member record is created and a password is not set, an empty encrypted password is generated. As a result, if someone is aware of the existence of a member record associated with a specific email address, they can potentially attempt to log in using that empty password. Although the default member authenticator and login form require a non-empty password, alternative authentication methods might still permit a successful login with the empty password. This issue has been patched in versions 4.13.4 and 5.0.13.
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When a new `Member` record was created in the cms it was possible to set a blank password. If an attacker knows the email address of the user with the blank password then they can attempt to log in using an empty password. The default member authenticator, login form and basic auth all require a non-empty password, however if a custom authentication method is used it may allow a successful login with the empty password. Starting with this release, blank passwords are no no longer allowed when members are created in the CMS. Programatically created `Member` records, such as those used in unit tests, still allow blank passwords. You may have some `Member` records in your system already which have empty passwords. To detect these, you can loop over all `Member` records with `Member::get()` and pass each record into the below method. It might be sensible to create a [`BuildTask`](https://api.silverstripe.org/5/SilverStripe/Dev/BuildTask.html) for this purpose. ```php private function...