

CVE-2021-32837: GHSL-2021-108: ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) in mechanize - CVE-2021-32837

mechanize, a library for automatically interacting with HTTP web servers, contains a regular expression that is vulnerable to regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) prior to version 0.4.6. If a web server responds in a malicious way, then mechanize could crash. Version 0.4.6 has a patch for the issue.


Coordinated Disclosure Timeline

  • 2021-08-31: Created issue asking for contact details.
  • 2021-08-31: They added a security policy and closed the issue. I sent the report to [email protected]
  • 2021-08-31: Issue is fixed by @kovidgoyal.
  • 2021-08-31: Emailed [email protected] to ask if there will a new release of mechanize and whether there will be an advisory.
  • 2021-09-01: Reply from [email protected]: “New version released”


mechanize contains a regular expression that is vulnerable to ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service).



Tested Version



ReDoS, or Regular Expression Denial of Service, is a vulnerability affecting inefficient regular expressions which can perform extremely badly when run on a crafted input string.

This vulnerability was found using a CodeQL query which identifies inefficient regular expressions. You can see the query on mechanize here.


The vulnerable regular expression is here.

mechanize is a library for automatically interacting with HTTP web servers. If the webserver responds in a malicious way, then mechanize could crash.

The reproduction steps below first start a webserver, and then starts mechanize. You can try to delete the resp.headers[… line to see how mechanize should behave.

  • Install mechanize and flask: pip3 install mechanize flask

  • Run the server below with python3:

    from flask import Flask, make_response app = Flask(name)

    @app.route(“/”) def home(): resp = make_response(“401 Unauthorized”) resp.status_code = 401 resp.headers[“www-authenticate”] = “,” return resp

    if name == "main":, port=8080)

  • Leave the above server running while doing the next steps.

  • Run the below with python3:

    import mechanize

    br = mechanize.Browser() br.add_password("http://localhost:8080", "admin", “password”)“http://localhost:8080”)


This issue may lead to a denial of service.

  • CVE-2021-32837


This issue was discovered by GitHub team members @erik-krogh (Erik Krogh Kristensen) and @yoff (Rasmus Petersen).

You can contact the GHSL team at [email protected], please include a reference to GHSL-2021-108 in any communication regarding this issue.

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GHSA-g3pv-pj5f-3hfq: mechanize Regular Expression Denial of Service vulnerability

mechanize, a library for automatically interacting with HTTP web servers, contains a regular expression that is vulnerable to regular expression denial of service (ReDoS) prior to version 0.4.6. If a web server responds in a malicious way, then mechanize could crash. Version 0.4.6 has a patch for the issue.

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