CVE-2022-45315: pocs_slides/README.md at master · cq674350529/pocs_slides
Mikrotik RouterOs before stable v7.6 was discovered to contain an out-of-bounds read in the snmp process. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted packet.
The snmp process suffers from an out-of-bounds read vulnerability. Due to lack of proper validation on value of a specific u32_id key, by sending a crafted packet, it’s possible to cause out-of-bounds read, which may affect the function pointer of an indirect call furtherly. It’s possible for an authenticated user to achieve code execution.
Against stable 6.47, the poc resulted in the following crash dump.
---- current v6.47 Jun/02/2020 07:38:00 ---- 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: /nova/bin/snmp 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: — signal=11 -------------------------------------------- 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: // … register details are missing in the generated autosupout.rif 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 776ad000-776b3000 r-xp 00000000 00:19 92 /ram/pckg/wireless/nova/lib/snmp/wireless.so 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 776b4000-776b7000 r-xp 00000000 00:12 16 /ram/pckg/ups/nova/lib/snmp/ups.so 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 776b8000-776ba000 r-xp 00000000 00:13 95 /ram/pckg/ppp/nova/lib/snmp/aaasession.so … 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 776c4000-776c7000 r-xp 00000000 00:11 83 /ram/pckg/ipv6/nova/lib/snmp/ipv6.so 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 776c9000-776fe000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 966 /lib/libuClibc- 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 77702000-7771c000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 962 /lib/libgcc_s.so.1 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 7771d000-7772c000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 945 /lib/libuc++.so 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 7772d000-7774a000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 948 /lib/libucrypto.so 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 7774b000-7774d000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 961 /lib/libdl- 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 7774f000-77757000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 951 /lib/libubox.so 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 77758000-777a4000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 947 /lib/libumsg.so 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 777aa000-777b1000 r-xp 00000000 00:0c 960 /lib/ld-uClibc- 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: 2022.10.12-16:41:40.81@0: backtrace: 0x00000001 0x77725a21 0x08071054 0x0806e019 0x7775396a 0x7777fff9 0x7777caca 0x7777f092 0x7777ee4e 0x7777a85b 0x7777a2a5 0x7777a3bf 0x7778103f 0x08056bb5 0x776f7fcb 0x08056c0d
According to the backtrace information, in Item::setConfig(), at (1), it will read value of u32_id 20, and save it to the memory pointed by this + 6. Then in normal cases, the routine will reach (2), where Item::regenerateKeys() is called.
// file: /nova/bin/snmp in stable 6.47 int Item::setConfig(Item *this, const nv::message *a2) { /* … */ *((_DWORD *)this + 6) = nv::message::get<nv::u32_id>(a2, 20, *((_DWORD *)this + 6)); // (1) *((_DWORD *)this + 7) = nv::message::get<nv::u32_id>(a2, 21, *((_DWORD *)this + 7)); /* … */ if ( loop ) Item::regenerateKeys(this, (SnmpLooper *)((char *)loop + 1460)); // (2) /* … */
In Item::regenerateKeys(), the previous saved value will be assigned to v2 at (3). At (4), v2 is used as an offset to calculate address, and the result is assigned to v3. Then it will perform multiple lookups, in some cases, the routine will reach (6), where tree_base::insert_unique() is called, and v3 is passed as the second argument. It should be noted that the v3 is controllable.
int Item::regenerateKeys(Item *this, const string *a2) { v2 = *((_DWORD *)this + 6); // (3) v3 = 28 * v2 + 0x8074B84; // (4) out-of-bounds read v4 = 28 * v2 + 0x8074B88; v5 = *((_DWORD *)&unk_8074B88 + 7 * v2) & 0xFFFFFFFC; // (5) v6 = v4; /* … search in tree related to v5 and change v6 … */ if ( v6 == v4 ) { v9 = *(_DWORD *)(v3 + 4) & 0xFFFFFFFC; v10 = v6; /* … search in tree related to v9 and change v10 …*/ if ( v10 == v6 ) { /* … */ tree_base::insert_unique((int)&v18, v3, v10, (int)&v23, (int)map_node_constr<string,vector<unsigned char>>); // (6) /* …*/ }
In tree_base::insert_unique(), there are many calls to sub_938c(), where a2 is passed as the first argument.
_DWORD * tree_base::insert_unique(_DWORD *a1, _DWORD *a2, int a3, int a4, void (__cdecl *a5)(int)) { if ( a3 == a2[2] ) { if ( !*a2 || !sub_938C((int)a2, a4, a2[5] + a3) ) goto LABEL_12; goto LABEL_10; } if ( (_DWORD *)a3 != a2 + 1 ) { v7[0] = a3; tree_iterator_base::decr((tree_iterator_base *)v7); if ( !sub_938C((int)a2, a2[5] + v7[0], a4) || !sub_938C((int)a2, a4, a2[5] + a3) ) goto LABEL_12; LABEL_10: a5(a4); goto LABEL_11; } if ( !sub_938C((int)a2, a2[5] + a2[3], a4) ) //(7) { /* … */ }
In sub_938C(), as can be seen, it will dereference the value at (a1+16), and invoke a function call. Since a1 is controllable, by sending a crafted nova message, we can hijack the control flow.
int sub_938C(int a1, int a2, int a3) { return (*(int (__stdcall **)(_DWORD, int, int))(a1 + 16))( *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 24), a2, a3); //(8) control flow hijacking }
Affected Version
This vulnerability was initially found in long-term 6.44.6. And the stable 7.6 seems to still suffer from this vulnerability.
The vendor responded that it was fixed in 7.6 version.
- 2022/07/29 - reported the vulnerability to the vendor
- 2022/08/16 - vendor confirmed the vulnerability
- 2022/10/31 - vendor responded that it was fixed in 7.6 version
Related news
Mikrotik RouterOs before stable v7.6 was discovered to contain an out-of-bounds read in the snmp process. This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted packet.