

CVE-2022-31138: GitHub - ly1g3/Mailcow-CVE-2022-31138: Mailcow CVE-2022-31138

mailcow is a mailserver suite. Prior to mailcow-dockerized version 2022-06a, an extended privilege vulnerability can be exploited by manipulating the custom parameters regexmess, skipmess, regexflag, delete2foldersonly, delete2foldersbutnot, regextrans2, pipemess, or maxlinelengthcmd to execute arbitrary code. Users should update their mailcow instances with the script in the mailcow root directory to 2022-06a or newer to receive a patch for this issue. As a temporary workaround, the Syncjob ACL can be removed from all mailbox users, preventing changes to those settings.


Mailcow CVE-2022-31138

RCE and Domain Admin privilege escalation for Mailcow. POC for CVE-2022-31245 can be modified to work with this vulnerability.

Code Injection, RCE

Type: Code Injection (CWE-94), RCE, Domain Takeover
Affected versions: least 2019 - 2022-06a

A flaw exists in all recent Mailcow versions where a regular user of the system can exploit the “Sync Job” feature to gain a shell using perl code injection in arbitrary regex field in imapsync. Using this exploit a attacker can then easily pivot to the database and escalate privileges to the role of “Domain Admin” in Mailcow.

This exploit includes persistence by default since Sync Jobs run on a timer.

This exploit compromises the entire Mailcow instance. Tested and working on latest release as of 2022-06a.

Technical overview

Almost all regex expressions in imapsync is evaluated using the eval function, this is highly unsafe when parameters are given by user-input. As a example, here is how --regexmess is parsed in imapsync (line 14213):

sub regexmess { my ( $string ) = @_ ; foreach my $regexmess ( @regexmess ) { $sync->{ debug } and myprint( “eval \$string =~ $regexmess\n” ) ; my $ret = eval “\$string =~ $regexmess ; 1” ;

In Mailcow $regexmess is given as user-input.

The following imapsync flags (could be more) can be used to achieve code execution:


Using the steps below the vulnerability can be recreated.

Gaining shell:

  1. Go to the Mailcow login page (not SOGo)
  2. Login as a regular user
  3. Go to Sync Jobs
  4. Set the following values: hostname=MAILCOW_IP, Port=IMAP_PORT, Username=CURRENT_USER, Password=CURRENT_PASS, Encryption=PLAIN, Interval=1, Active=Check, Custom Parameters=–debug --nosslcheck --regexmess=PERL_CODE Where the field “Custom Parameters” is the important field. PERL_CODE can be arbitrary perl code.
  5. Press save and wait 1 min for the command to execute.

Custom Parameters example payload:

--debug --nosslcheck --regexmess=`touch\x{0020}test.txt`

PERL_CODE cannot contain space,quotes or slashes, use \x{0020} instead of space. Use ` to run shell commands.

Privilege Escalation:

Follow the same steps as in CVE-2022-31245.

Related news

CVE-2022-31245: GitHub - ly1g3/Mailcow-CVE-2022-31245: CVE-2022-31245: RCE and domain admin privilege escalation for Mailcow

mailcow before 2022-05d allows a remote authenticated user to inject OS commands and escalate privileges to domain admin via the --debug option in conjunction with the ---PIPEMESS option in Sync Jobs.

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