

CVE-2023-34659: Unauthorized SQL injection in Jeecg3.5.0 and 3.5.1 · Issue #4976 · jeecgboot/jeecg-boot

jeecg-boot 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 have a SQL injection vulnerability the id parameter of the /jeecg-boot/jmreport/show interface.



JECG3.5.1 And JECG3.5.0

前端版本:vue3版?还是 vue2版?



After testing, it was found that the id parameter of the/jeecg-boot/jmreport/show interface of jeecg-boot has SQL injection and is unauthorized.


Download and use After the project source code starts,
Entry: “Statistical Report” -->"Example of Building Block Report"
Grab the package and obtain the SQL injection interface. The following figure proves the existence of SQL injection.

Payload (check MySQL version):
{"id":"961455b47c0b86dc961e90b5893bff05","apiUrl":"","params":"{"id":"1’ or ‘%1%’ like (updatexml(0x3a,concat(1,(select database())),1)) or ‘%%’ like '"}"}

Payload (view current database):
{"id":"961455b47c0b86dc961e90b5893bff05","apiUrl":"","params":"{"id":"1’ or ‘%1%’ like (updatexml(0x3a,concat(1,(select database())),1)) or ‘%%’ like '"}"}

Source code analysis:
In the org. jeecg. modules. jmreport. descreport. a package, is a controller; When it comes to post requests/jeecg boot/jmreport/show, it will come to this method.

Using burp for contracting

Then, line 315 passes var3 into jmReportDesignService. show; Let’s follow in and take a look.

Enter getDataById on line 2122

Then on line 248, reportDbDao. selectList was called

Entered the JmReportDb class and obtained dbDynSql as: select * from rep_ demo_ gongsi where id=’${id}’。 Confirmed as the ID of the splice

The interface this.reportDbDao. selectListBySql was called at line 468 in the e-class of the org. jeecg. modules. jmreport. descreport. service. a package.

This interface is a MyBatis method that uses @ ResultType and @ Param annotations. DbDynSql called

Finally, the database name was obtained through error injection


  • 未按格式要求发帖,会被直接删掉;
  • 描述过于简单或模糊,导致无法处理的,会被直接删掉;
  • 请自己初判问题描述是否清楚,是否方便我们调查处理;
  • 针对问题请说明是Online在线功能(需说明用的主题模板),还是生成的代码功能;

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