CVE-2023-26488: ERC721Consecutive incorrect balance update with batch of 1
OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. The ERC721Consecutive contract designed for minting NFTs in batches does not update balances when a batch has size 1 and consists of a single token. Subsequent transfers from the receiver of that token may overflow the balance as reported by balanceOf
. The issue exclusively presents with batches of size 1. The issue has been patched in 4.8.2.
npm @openzeppelin/contracts (npm)
Affected versions
>=4.8.0 <4.8.2
npm @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable (npm)
The ERC721Consecutive contract designed for minting NFTs in batches does not update balances when a batch has size 1 and consists of a single token. Subsequent transfers from the receiver of that token may overflow the balance as reported by balanceOf.
The issue exclusively presents with batches of size 1.
The issue has been patched in 4.8.2.
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### Impact The ERC721Consecutive contract designed for minting NFTs in batches does not update balances when a batch has size 1 and consists of a single token. Subsequent transfers from the receiver of that token may overflow the balance as reported by `balanceOf`. The issue exclusively presents with batches of size 1. ### Patches The issue has been patched in 4.8.2. <!-- ### References -->