


GHSA-r95j-4jvf-mrrw: MongoDB Shell may be susceptible to control character Injection via shell output

The MongoDB Shell may be susceptible to control character injection where an attacker with control over the database cluster contents can inject control characters into the shell output. This may result in the display of falsified messages that appear to originate from mongosh or the underlying operating system, potentially misleading users into executing unsafe actions. The vulnerability is exploitable only when mongosh is connected to a cluster that is partially or fully controlled by an attacker. This issue affects mongosh versions prior to 2.3.9.

GHSA-43g5-2wr2-q7vj: MongoDB Shell may be susceptible to Control Character Injection via autocomplete

The MongoDB Shell may be susceptible to control character injection where an attacker with control of the mongosh autocomplete feature, can use the autocompletion feature to input and run obfuscated malicious text. This requires user interaction in the form of the user using ‘tab’ to autocomplete text that is a prefix of the attacker’s prepared autocompletion. This issue affects mongosh versions prior to 2.3.9.  The vulnerability is exploitable only when mongosh is connected to a cluster that is partially or fully controlled by an attacker.

GHSA-5mvm-89c9-9gm5: Matrix IRC Bridge allows IRC command injection to own puppeted user

### Impact The matrix-appservice-irc bridge up to version 3.0.3 contains a vulnerability which can lead to arbitrary IRC command execution as the puppeted user. The attacker can only inject commands executed as their own IRC user. ### Patches The vulnerability has been patched in matrix-appservice-irc version 3.0.4. ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory, please email us at [security at](mailto:[email protected]).

GHSA-3qxh-p7jc-5xh6: Solid Lacks Escaping of HTML in JSX Fragments allows for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Inserts/JSX expressions inside illegal inlined JSX fragments lacked escaping, allowing user input to be rendered as HTML when put directly inside JSX fragments. For instance, `?text=<svg/onload=alert(1)>` would trigger XSS here. ```js const [text] = createResource(() => { return new URL(getRequestEvent().request.url).searchParams.get("text"); }); return ( <> Text: {text()} </> ); ```

Hackers Exploit Fake GitHub Repositories to Spread GitVenom Malware

Kaspersky’s Securelist exposes the GitVenom campaign involving fake GitHub repositories to distribute malware. Targeting developers with seemingly legitimate…

Duo Wins $50K Bug Bounty for Supply Chain Flaw in Newly Acquired Firm

Researchers earned a $50,500 Bug Bounty after uncovering a critical supply chain flaw in a newly acquired firm,…

GHSA-rmvr-2pp2-xj38: @octokit/request has a Regular Expression in fetchWrapper that Leads to ReDoS Vulnerability Due to Catastrophic Backtracking

### Summary The regular expression `/<([^>]+)>; rel="deprecation"/` used to match the `link` header in HTTP responses is vulnerable to a ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) attack. This vulnerability arises due to the unbounded nature of the regex's matching behavior, which can lead to catastrophic backtracking when processing specially crafted input. An attacker could exploit this flaw by sending a malicious `link` header, resulting in excessive CPU usage and potentially causing the server to become unresponsive, impacting service availability. ### Details The vulnerability resides in the regular expression `/<([^>]+)>; rel="deprecation"/`, which is used to match the `link` header in HTTP responses. This regular expression captures content between angle brackets (`<>`) followed by `; rel="deprecation"`. However, the pattern is vulnerable to ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) attacks due to its susceptibility to catastrophic backtracking when processing malicious inp...

GHSA-xx4v-prfh-6cgc: @octokit/request-error has a Regular Expression in index that Leads to ReDoS Vulnerability Due to Catastrophic Backtracking

### Summary A Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability exists in the processing of HTTP request headers. By sending an authorization header containing an excessively long sequence of spaces followed by a newline and "@", an attacker can exploit inefficient regular expression processing, leading to excessive resource consumption. This can significantly degrade server performance or cause a denial-of-service (DoS) condition, impacting availability. ### Details The issue occurs at [line 52]( of iterator.ts in the @octokit/request-error repository. The vulnerability is caused by the use of an inefficient regular expression in the handling of the `authorization` header within the request processing logic: ```js authorization: options.request.headers.authorization.replace( / .*$/, " [REDACTED]" ) ``` The regular expression `/ .*$/` matches a space followed by any number of characters until the end of th...

GHSA-h5c3-5r3r-rr8q: @octokit/plugin-paginate-rest has a Regular Expression in iterator Leads to ReDoS Vulnerability Due to Catastrophic Backtracking

### Summary For the npm package `@octokit/plugin-paginate-rest`, when calling `octokit.paginate.iterator()`, a specially crafted `octokit` instance—particularly with a malicious `link` parameter in the `headers` section of the `request`—can trigger a ReDoS attack. ### Details The issue occurs at [line 39]( of iterator.ts in the @octokit/plugin-paginate-rest repository. The relevant code is as follows: ```js url = (( || "").match( /<([^>]+)>;\s*rel="next"/, ) || [])[1]; ``` The regular expression `/<([^>]+)>;\s*rel="next"/` may lead to a potential backtracking vulnerability, resulting in a ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) attack. This could cause high CPU utilization and even service slowdowns or freezes when processing specially crafted `Link` headers. ### PoC [The gist of PoC.js]( 1. run npm i ...

GHSA-x4c5-c7rf-jjgv: @octokit/endpoint has a Regular Expression in parse that Leads to ReDoS Vulnerability Due to Catastrophic Backtracking

### Summary By crafting specific `options` parameters, the `endpoint.parse(options)` call can be triggered, leading to a regular expression denial-of-service (ReDoS) attack. This causes the program to hang and results in high CPU utilization. ### Details The issue occurs in the `parse` function within the `parse.ts` file of the npm package `@octokit/endpoint`. The specific code is located at the following link:, at line 62: ```ts headers.accept.match(/[\w-]+(?=-preview)/g) || ([] as string[]); ``` The regular expression `/[\w-]+(?=-preview)/g` encounters a backtracking issue when it processes `a large number of characters` followed by the `-` symbol. e.g., the attack string: ```js "" + "A".repeat(100000) + "-" ``` ### PoC [The gist]( Here is the reproduction process for the vulnerability: 1. run 'npm i @octokit/endpoint' 2. Move `poc.js` to the root dir...