CVE-2022-25237: GitHub - bonitasoft/bonita-web
Bonita Web 2021.2 is affected by a authentication/authorization bypass vulnerability due to an overly broad exclude pattern used in the RestAPIAuthorizationFilter. By appending ;i18ntranslation or /…/i18ntranslation/ to the end of a URL, users with no privileges can access privileged API endpoints. This can lead to remote code execution by abusing the privileged API actions.
Bonita Web****Requirements
This project bundles the Maven Wrapper, so the mvnw script is available at the project root.
The project depends on bonita-engine artifacts so if you want to build a branch in a SNAPSHOT version, you must build the bonita-engine first (install artifacts in your local repository).
If you build a tag, you don’t need to build the bonita-engine as its artifacts are available on Maven Central.
I you want to contribute, ask questions about the project, report bug, see the contributing guide.
Build the project
At root level (same location as the parent pom.xml) :
Execution in hosted mode
In server module, to build and launch a tomcat hosting the app :
./mvnw clean verify org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:run -DskipTests
H2 database is created (if it does not already exist) in ${user.home}/bonita/community/database When you checkout a different branch you need to clean this directory because the database schema may have changed.
Hot reload is not supported, but when you update a class in portal/, server/ or common/ in your IDE all you need to do is to restart the tomcat with the previous command (classes will be retrieved from the projects target/classes directory)
Structure****Parent pom.xml
Contains the common maven configuration such as:
- the definition of all the dependencies version, e.g., junit.version, bonita.engine.version, gwt.version, …
- the maven repositories
common module
Contains the back-end business logic, i.e., the code executed on the server side. But also contains shared code between back end and front (e.g. model) and the implement of the REST API.
Contains integration tests utils
server module
Contains the server side code of portal