CVE-2022-4631: Fixed XSS · lesterchan/wp-ban@22b9254
A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in WP-Ban. Affected is an unknown function of the file ban-options.php. The manipulation leads to cross site scripting. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The name of the patch is 22b925449c84faa9b7496abe4f8f5661cb5eb3bf. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. The identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-216480.
@@ -9,6 +9,15 @@ $base_page = 'admin.php?page=’.$base_name; $admin_login = trim($current_user->user_login);
# Allow HTML $allowed_tags = wp_kses_allowed_html( ‘post’ ); $allowed_tags[‘html’] = true; $allowed_tags[‘head’] = true; $allowed_tags[‘meta’] = array( ‘charset’ => true, ); $allowed_tags[‘body’] = true;
### Form Processing // Update Options if( ! empty( $_POST[‘Submit’] ) ) { @@ -24,101 +33,101 @@ $banned_referers_post = ! empty( $_POST[‘banned_referers’] ) ? explode( "\n", trim($_POST[‘banned_referers’] ) ) : array(); $banned_user_agents_post = ! empty( $_POST[‘banned_user_agents’] ) ? explode( "\n", trim($_POST[‘banned_user_agents’] ) ) : array(); $banned_exclude_ips_post = ! empty( $_POST[‘banned_exclude_ips’] ) ? explode( “\n", trim( $_POST[‘banned_exclude_ips’] ) ) : array(); $banned_message = ! empty( $_POST[‘banned_template_message’] ) ? trim( $_POST[‘banned_template_message’] ) : '’; $banned_message = ! empty( $_POST[‘banned_template_message’] ) ? wp_kses( trim( $_POST[‘banned_template_message’] ), $allowed_tags ) : '’;
$banned_ips = array(); if(!empty($banned_ips_post)) { foreach($banned_ips_post as $banned_ip) { if($admin_login == ‘admin’ && ($banned_ip == ban_get_ip() || is_admin_ip($banned_ip))) { $text .= '<p style="color: blue;">’.sprintf(__(‘This IP \’%s\’ Belongs To The Admin And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’),$banned_ip).’</p>’; if ( ! empty( $banned_ips_post ) ) { foreach ( $banned_ips_post as $banned_ip ) { if( $admin_login === ‘admin’ && ( $banned_ip === ban_get_ip() || is_admin_ip( $banned_ip ) ) ) { $text .= ‘<p style="color: blue;">’ . sprintf( __( ‘This IP \’%s\’ Belongs To The Admin And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’ ), $banned_ip ) . '</p>’; } else { $banned_ips[] = trim($banned_ip); $banned_ips[] = esc_html( trim( $banned_ip ) ); } } }
$banned_ips_range = array(); if( ! empty( $banned_ips_range_post ) ) { if ( ! empty( $banned_ips_range_post ) ) { foreach( $banned_ips_range_post as $banned_ip_range ) { $range = explode( '-', $banned_ip_range ); if( sizeof( $range ) === 2 ) { if ( sizeof( $range ) === 2 ) { $range_start = trim( $range[0] ); $range_end = trim( $range[1] ); if( $admin_login === ‘admin’ && ( check_ip_within_range( ban_get_ip(), $range_start, $range_end ) ) ) { $text .= '<p style="color: blue;">’.sprintf( __( ‘The Admin\’s IP \’%s\’ Fall Within This Range (%s - %s) And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’ ), ban_get_ip(), $range_start, $range_end ).’</p>’; if ( $admin_login === ‘admin’ && ( check_ip_within_range( ban_get_ip(), $range_start, $range_end ) ) ) { $text .= ‘<p style="color: blue;">’ . sprintf( __( ‘The Admin\’s IP \’%s\’ Fall Within This Range (%s - %s) And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’ ), ban_get_ip(), $range_start, $range_end ) . '</p>’; } else { $banned_ips_range[] = trim( $banned_ip_range ); $banned_ips_range[] = esc_html( trim( $banned_ip_range ) ); } } } }
$banned_hosts = array(); if(!empty($banned_hosts_post)) { foreach($banned_hosts_post as $banned_host) { if($admin_login == ‘admin’ && ($banned_host == @gethostbyaddr(ban_get_ip()) || is_admin_hostname($banned_host))) { $text .= '<p style="color: blue;">’.sprintf(__(‘This Hostname \’%s\’ Belongs To The Admin And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’), $banned_host).’</p>’; if ( ! empty( $banned_hosts_post ) ) { foreach ( $banned_hosts_post as $banned_host ) { if ( $admin_login === ‘admin’ && ( $banned_host === @gethostbyaddr( ban_get_ip() ) || is_admin_hostname( $banned_host ) ) ) { $text .= ‘<p style="color: blue;">’ . sprintf( __( ‘This Hostname \’%s\’ Belongs To The Admin And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’ ), $banned_host ) . '</p>’; } else { $banned_hosts[] = trim($banned_host); $banned_hosts[] = esc_html( trim( $banned_host ) ); } } }
$banned_referers = array(); if(!empty($banned_referers_post)) { foreach($banned_referers_post as $banned_referer) { if(is_admin_referer($banned_referer)) { $text .= '<p style="color: blue;">’.sprintf(__(‘This Referer \’%s\’ Belongs To This Site And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’), $banned_referer).’</p>’; if ( ! empty( $banned_referers_post ) ) { foreach ( $banned_referers_post as $banned_referer ) { if ( is_admin_referer( $banned_referer ) ) { $text .= ‘<p style="color: blue;">’ . sprintf( __( ‘This Referer \’%s\’ Belongs To This Site And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’ ), $banned_referer ) . '</p>’; } else { $banned_referers[] = trim($banned_referer); $banned_referers[] = esc_html( trim( $banned_referer ) ); } } }
$banned_user_agents = array(); if(!empty($banned_user_agents_post)) { foreach($banned_user_agents_post as $banned_user_agent) { if(is_admin_user_agent($banned_user_agent)) { $text .= '<p style="color: blue;">’.sprintf(__(‘This User Agent \’%s\’ Is Used By The Current Admin And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’), $banned_user_agent).’</p>’; if ( ! empty( $banned_user_agents_post ) ) { foreach ( $banned_user_agents_post as $banned_user_agent ) { if ( is_admin_user_agent( $banned_user_agent ) ) { $text .= ‘<p style="color: blue;">’ . sprintf( __( ‘This User Agent \’%s\’ Is Used By The Current Admin And Will Not Be Added To Ban List’, ‘wp-ban’ ), $banned_user_agent ) . '</p>’; } else { $banned_user_agents[] = trim($banned_user_agent); $banned_user_agents[] = esc_html( trim( $banned_user_agent ) ); } } }
$banned_exclude_ips = array(); if(!empty($banned_exclude_ips_post)) { foreach($banned_exclude_ips_post as $banned_exclude_ip) { $banned_exclude_ips[] = trim($banned_exclude_ip); if ( ! empty( $banned_exclude_ips_post ) ) { foreach ( $banned_exclude_ips_post as $banned_exclude_ip ) { $banned_exclude_ips[] = esc_html( trim( $banned_exclude_ip ) ); } } $update_ban_queries = array(); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_options’, $banned_options ); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option('banned_ips’, $banned_ips); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option('banned_ips_range’, $banned_ips_range); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option('banned_hosts’, $banned_hosts); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option('banned_referers’, $banned_referers); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option('banned_user_agents’, $banned_user_agents); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option('banned_exclude_ips’, $banned_exclude_ips); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option('banned_message’, $banned_message); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_ips’, $banned_ips ); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_ips_range’, $banned_ips_range ); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_hosts’, $banned_hosts ); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_referers’, $banned_referers ); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_user_agents’, $banned_user_agents ); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_exclude_ips’, $banned_exclude_ips ); $update_ban_queries[] = update_option( 'banned_message’, $banned_message ); $update_ban_text = array(); $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned Options’, ‘wp-ban’ ); $update_ban_text[] = __('Banned IPs’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __('Banned IP Range’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __('Banned Host Names’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __('Banned Referers’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __('Banned User Agents’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __('Banned Excluded IPs’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __('Banned Message’, ‘wp-ban’); $i=0; foreach($update_ban_queries as $update_ban_query) { if($update_ban_query) { $text .= ‘<p style="color: green;">’.$update_ban_text[$i].’ '.__('Updated’, ‘wp-ban’).’</p>’; $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned IPs’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned IP Range’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned Host Names’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned Referers’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned User Agents’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned Excluded IPs’, ‘wp-ban’); $update_ban_text[] = __( 'Banned Message’, ‘wp-ban’); $i = 0; foreach ( $update_ban_queries as $update_ban_query ) { if ( $update_ban_query ) { $text .= ‘<p style="color: green;">’ . $update_ban_text[$i] . ' ' . __( 'Updated’, ‘wp-ban’ ) . '</p>’; } $i++; } if(empty($text)) { $text = '<p style="color: red;">’.__('No Ban Option Updated’, ‘wp-ban’).’</p>’; if ( empty( $text ) ) { $text = ‘<p style="color: red;">’ . __( 'No Ban Option Updated’, ‘wp-ban’ ) . '</p>’; } } if( ! empty( $_POST[‘do’] ) ) { @@ -202,7 +211,7 @@ function banned_default_templates(template) { var default_template; switch(template) { case “message": default_template = “<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<title>%SITE_NAME% - %SITE_URL%</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div id=\"wp-ban-container\">\n<p style=\"text-align: center; font-weight: bold;\"><?php _e('You Are Banned.’, ‘wp-ban’); ?></p>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>"; default_template = “<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n<title>%SITE_NAME% - %SITE_URL%</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div id=\"wp-ban-container\">\n<p style=\"text-align: center; font-weight: bold;\"><?php _e('You Are Banned.’, ‘wp-ban’); ?></p>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>"; break; } jQuery(“#banned_template_” + template).val(default_template); @@ -276,7 +285,7 @@ function toggle_checkbox() { <td><strong><?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top” colspan="2” align="center"> <td valign="top” colspan="2” style="text-align: center;"> <?php _e('Please <strong>DO NOT</strong> ban yourself.’, ‘wp-ban’); ?> </td> </tr>