CVE-2023-33764: CVEs/CVE-2023-33764 at main · rauschecker/CVEs
eMedia Consulting simpleRedak up to v2.47.23.05 was discovered to contain a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability via the component #/de/casting/show/detail/<ID>.
eMedia Consulting simpleRedak - Stored Cross-Site Scripting
A stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability was discovered in the casting backend (/#/de/casting/show/detail/).
The vulnerability was reported as CVE-2023-33764.
Versions affected: simpleRedak <=
An attacker may submit a malicious casting application that contains an XSS payload in the first or last name fields. Once a backend user opens the detail view of the submitted casting applications, hovering over a Bootstrap popover component results in XSS.
Steps to Reproduce
Figure 1: Submitting an exemplary application with a malicious last name
For the proof-of-concept screenshots we have used the following payload:
Test <img src=a onerror=alert(1111)>
Once the user in the backend hovers over the “Kontakt” button, a Bootstrap popover is created. Should the next profile be the profile with our malicious name, the XSS payload is executed:
Figure 2: Hovering over the Kontakt button results in XSS via a Bootstrap popover event
Root Cause
This issue exists due to insufficient input filtering in the “data-original-title” Bootstrap popover attribute. No adequate sanitization is performed and the malicious name is rendered as an innerHTML assignment when the hover-Event fires:
Figure 3: Root cause: Hover event creates a Bootstrap popover that includes malicious HTML
All software versions up to and including version are affected. The vendor was informed of the finding on May 5, 2023. The vulnerability is fixed with version