CVE-2022-23543: Own HTML attributes when attaching a YouTube link to the post
Silverware Games is a social network where people can play games online. Users can attach URLs to YouTube videos, the site will generate related <iframe>
when the post will be published. The handler has some sort of protection so non-YouTube links can’t be posted, as well as HTML tags are being stripped. However, it was still possible to add custom HTML attributes (e.g. onclick=alert("xss")
) to the <iframe>'. This issue was fixed in the version
1.1.34` and does not require any extra actions from our members. There has been no evidence that this vulnerability was used by anyone at this time.
post.php (SilverwareGames.io)
Affected versions
< 1.1.34
Users can attach URLs to YouTube videos, the site will generate related <iframe> when the post will be published. The handler has some sort of protection so non-YouTube links can’t be posted, as well as HTML tags are being stripped. However, it was still possible to add custom HTML attributes (e.g. onclick=alert(“xss”)) to the <iframe>.
It was fixed in the version 1.1.34 and does not require any extra actions from our members. There’s no evidence that this vulnerability was used by anyone, too.